Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

Project For a Rainy Day

Actually it's been quite a while since I began this particular weapon; November 14, 2021 to be precise.

It's quite an involved construction and three months isn't that long.

Last evening I put the finishing touches on the inner framework and am ready to apply the secondary stringers.

The hard part is that I want to be able to remove this cowling occasionally so it has to be rigid enough to maintain its shape when standing alone:


And in place on the barrel assembly:

The front quarter view reveals the modifications necessary to accommodate the larger caliber barrels:


Next the mount arm adaptor.
True, but it has it's limits too..
I may have misinterpreted where you meant needing an armature.

I have considered a stand running up the center of the model mounted on a base.

It will all come down to whether I can stabilize the completed model which may weigh as much as 50 Pounds..
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I may have misinterpreted where you meant needing an armature.

I have considered a stand running up the center of the model mounted on a base.

It will all come down to whether I can stabilize the completed model which may weigh as much as 50 Pounds..
Take the Injection Molded Plastic 1/350th Enterprise, and refit, both now come with a brass armature to prevent nacelle sag...
A Cure for a Rainy Day.

For the first time I've set the main weapons side by side in their relative mount positions on the model and I have to say I'm pleased with the result.

Both weapons still need a lot of detail work but as far as size and balance they seem to be compatible; neither overpowering nor outsized for the Titan itself.


Someone voiced concern that the Gatling Blaster would be out of place and was too big for the model but I believe the scale is proper.

It does not have the sleekness of the Plasma Cannon but when paired up with the Quake Cannon (to be addressed at a later date) I think it will serve as a proper addition to the arsenal.


I figured I'll take an image before I cover the barrel cowl with sheet styrene but the more I look at it the more I think it a crime to cover all that detail.

I can't decide....

Opinions would be greatly welcomed. :D
I like both weapons systems. The Gatling Blaster is a nice counterbalance to the Plasma Cannon. I think that once you start applying paint, it will look even better than it does now! You have been doing a GREAT JOB on this project!
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I thought it was PVC. They Styrene will bend eventually if in any kind of heat, even room temperature where the stress is greatest. The support idea you have in mentioned should work, you may want to extend that to the arms, and leg joints. Done properly, nothing would show. Structural Foam could also guarantee a very strong model. :)
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Thar's GOLD in Them Thar Recyclables:

I haven't calculated but I'd be willing to bet I'm close to a thousand+ dollars invested in materials on this project.

So anything I can do to defray costs is a bonus.

This past winter with its wind storms the local Exxon and Starbuck which are both within a mile of my residence had their advert signage blown away onto my property.



It fell on me to remove the refuse and as luck would have it the signs were made of 0.020 inch (0.5 millimeter) high grade polystyrene in almost 2/3 of a square yard sheets (~half a square meter.).

Normally a sheet of this size would run me about $12-15 bucks at the local wholesale plastic distributer.


I rescued about a couple of $100 dollars worth in a few minutes. Enough to reskin the Emperor Titan if I were so inclined.


Keep an eye out for such windfalls if you're into scratch building projects
Great use of a "found" resource. I used to get and use all sorts of scrap tubular materials as a plumber, I've made scopes and barrels for blasters from plumbing pipe, and even an "Un Chameleon circuit" ed TARDIS... I still have a small (5 gallon HD bucket full) stash of these pipes and fittings.
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The Magazine and Loader Assembly:


I had to do a lot of redesigning to make the rear stock assembly work with the chosen hanger arm joint.


The rear assembly will be hollow and filled with sand bags to counterbalance the forward weight.

I'm going to increase the mount arm robustness because while substantial enough to hold the weapons weight it looks too small compared to the weapon's overall size.

I toyed with the inspiration to have the ammo belt come out of the main body of the hull removing the necessity of making an ammo drum.

We'll see how that shakes out after I complete mounting the current arm assembly.