Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

The beginning phases of the Gatling Blaster.

Six rotation barrels spaced equal distance from the center barrel hub


It took some time to figure out the spacing of the barrels and I had to source the I and H Channels from my styrene provider which took a week.


But my Idea is playing out and I should have the barrel assembly finished today.

I'm also working on the mounting yoke which is coming along with gratifying success.


I've moved my assembly from the Den to the Dining room for space considerations as we use the Den every day and the Dining room only for special occasions.

Much to the shagrin of Ms Adder but as I explained to her; "It's only temporary." So she said "Then you won't mind sleeping on the couch as long as that thing is in the Dining room."

"Fair enough." sez I. ;)

It's back to the drawing board because I've found the definitive Gatling gun for my Emperor Titan. This rendering gives a much more complex appearance which matches the detail of the Laser cannon on the opposite side.

Since last I addressed this thread I'd made some significant progress on what I thought was a good design for a Mega Gatling Gun until I found this baby.

Granted it appears to be a hand held weapon but with judicious modifications I think I can salvage most of my work and produce a reasonable facsimile.

Here is where I am with the barrel arrangement.


Let me know what you think.....
Awesome job! :BRAVO: You can modify the grip area to be where it attaches to the Titan, and Viola, it becomes a Mega Gatling cannon.
A Round a Minute!

I was listening to Youtube whilst gluing the support mechanism for these rotating barrels. To the recount of the battle in the Denmark Straits to be precise.

towards the end of the narrative a fact was brought home to me so that I had to listen to it again.

The whole battle took about 15 Minutes!!!

Depending on the ship, 10 to 14 rounds were fired; about a salvo a minute....according to the narrator.

Now my Gatling gun has six barrels rotating loading cartridges, not shells and bags of propellant. Plus these guns had to be retrained on the targets as the ships maneuvered.


Back to business:


I'll spare you the tedium of the gluing and sanding...


and cut to the chase


The finished assembly



And a closeup.

Incredible work on this, I never got into WH40K, but I did the WHQuest they put out back around 1999. I even found some of my WHQuest figs. If I can find pics of them I'll post them.
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No, just obsessive compulsive :D Thanks for the replies.

Just Another Energy Cannon;

Not bloody likely.

So after all that work I'm covering it with a sheet of Plastic


But I'll make it removable for painting and displaying the interior.


I have to admit I really like this design


I believe it's an worthy complement to the Plasma Blaster without being just another energy weapon.

One of the interesting features of this weapon is the cowl.

I began with just a curved piece of 0.020 inch ( 0,5 mm) styrene and reinforced the underside to lock into place on the rotating breach.

I then began to reinforce the underlayment seen here with 0.080 inch (2,0 mm) stringers.

See image below:


This is the fun part because I had to figure out how to build this without gluing it to the underlying structure; sort of in mid-air.

I need to have this removable so I can paint the thing. Plus I'd like to pop off the cowl to show the underlying work.

The cowl had to be modified from the original because of the greater diameter of the gun barrels and the greater length.