88's Scratchbuild Challenge

Here's what I did today...
I built both the trackside dock, as well as the "Blindside" dock..The trackside dock I tried to make look like the one in the pic, except I added a cross support. With the blindside dock, since I'm only guessing, I made it shorter.


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I then added stairs to both docks. Trackside dock I made so they ran along the wall. The blindside, I built so it ran the same direction as the dock. Unfortunatly, the batteries went dead in the camera, so I couldn't get a shot. I'll get some more tomorrow.
The steps were made using Evergreen's Stair Kit #201.
Next up: painting the docks, preping the site for placement and scenery.


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Next thing I did was work on the firebucket shelf.
First thing I did was to tape two pieces of Evergreen strip side by side. With my Dremel(Which I got back in May, for a B-day present) I started to shape the braces for the shelf. After satisfied with the shape........And looking at the pic of Ore Hill, I determind that the strip was too wide.(Scratchbuilding...stuff like that happens alot)
Opting for narrower strip, I started over.


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After getting the shape right on the braces, I glued them together with a piece of Evergreen strip in between. Heres a pic of the completed shelf(Sorry about the fuzziness, forgot to put the camera on macro)
After the gue had set, I gued the shelf on to trackside of the freight side. Here's a pic with a barrel and bucket.The barrel is from Campbell(and was already painted red!), the bucket I pulled from a Prieser "Farmers Set" .


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Thanks cnw...I was still tyoing and uploading pics when you posted.
The next step was I assembled the Tichy Train Groups windows and doors and glued them into their proper openings.
Tip: Good idea to mark the windows and door with numbers that correspond with the window and door openings you want them in.(Just made that one up....Beleive me, next time that what I'm going to do.


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I then shot both docks with a coat of primer. Afetr they had dried, I hand painted the docks burnt umber. I didn't try to get a nice even covering, but more of a stain. I also tried to paint where I thought parts will be or could be seen. While they were drying, I hand painted the words "Fire Only" on the barrel. I messed up the "O" in only, but came to the conclusion the the SA wasn't a sign painter.
I was going to do the trim around the edges of the depot, but didn't have the right palstic strip. Guess a stop at the LHS tomorrow after work is in order.


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Went to the LHS today to pick up some more plastic strip. Told the owner that I was building Ore Hill depot. He told me he had some info on Ore Hill. Went in the back and came out with some papers stapled together. There were copies from a chapter of a book. The last pages were on Ore Hil. On them was the same pic I was using for reference. To the left of the picture........ACTUAL MEASUREMENTS FROM THE ORIGINAL DEPOT........I had to guestimate the dimensions. I was only a couple of feet off.There were no pics of the blindside though........
Started working on the base today. Started with 1" pink insulation foam. Took measurements for two tracks(which, looking at the new reference material, actually exsisted) and the depot. After cutting the foam, I rechecked everything.


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After rechecking, and remarking the foam, using my birthday present(Dremel) I started to shape the roadbed for the track. Then I recheked the alignment.


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