88's Scratchbuild Challenge


Now I'm AMP'd
Jun 18, 2002
Torrington, Ct.
88's Scratchbuild Challenge #1

...with a little tuturial in working with plastic.
My project, is going to be a flag stop depot(Ref: Thread"All Members...Challenge #1...Scratchbuild) that actually stood line side of the original Central New England RR(My layout is a modern"What if.." of this line) called Ore Hill.
The medium of choice for me is styrene plastic. Its easy to cut,assemble(regular Testors model Glue..the red bottle) and paint.
So here it is, with my method of working in plastic. I know there are others out there that have better methods, but I 've used these with great results.
I use Evergreen Clapboard Sheet styrene for the siding. I do all the measuements and cutting on the plain back side.
Here's a pic of the first wall I'm working on.


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After getting all the measurements down. I start cutting.
Tip:Its better to cut openings for windows and doors while still on the sheet. I'm working on a window opening in this pic. Using my scale rule, I take many shallow cuts with my X-Acto blade instead of one deep cut.


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After scribing the window opening, it should just pop out. It may take a couple of cuts. You can then trim and size the opening with a small jewlers file. To get the measurement for the window opening I measure the inside of the window. Most manufactures have a flange on the "inside" wich aid in placing the window.
I also cut the opening a lttle smaller, so when filing I get a nice fit.


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Using the same method I used for cutting the window opening, I then cut the wall out.
Tip: Good idea to use a new sharp X-Acto blade. Beleive it or not, plastic will quickly dull a blade.
Here is the completly cut out wall.
Tip: When doing a prototype like me, its always good to have reference material nearby. You can see a pic of the depot I'm doing in the background.


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The wall with the window I call "Blindside", because the only pic I have shows only two end walls, so I have to "Guess" whats not being shown. In the pic there is one wall which shows a window blanked out(Thats why I guessed there was one on the other side.).
So, after cutting out the wall and window, I cut a small "Plug" from Evergreen V-Groove plastic sheet. Instead of having the boards going horizontally as in the pic, I used modellers liscence and cut it so the boards were going vertically and cut it just a little bigger then the opening.
It took a lot of filing and sanding, but I got the plug to fit nice.


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Not too bore you with a blow by blow for the rest of the walls for the main building, because the metods are the same. Here's a pic of the finished walls with door frames and window. The far wall is the "blindside" wall, so using modellers licsence, I added anther door. Now its ready for assembly......Or is it?????

Coming up:Station Agents office.(the small addition in the pic)


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88, you made a very good start. But it looks like a jump start to me sign1 . Your project will be finished before most of us could even decide what to build :thumb:
Here's the part I did today. I call it the Station Agent's office. By looking at the pic, and the plugged window, sometime in its history it must of been determind to build an office for what definatly was a pure freight station.
Without going into detail since the method was the same, here's a pic of the finished walls.Again the far side wall was the blindside, so modellers liscence was used.


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The next thing I did was to put the measurements of the office on the plugged wall. After which, I measured .040"(The thicknes of the sheet) and made marks.
The next step was to glue Evergreen .060 x .060 strips on the marks. The last pic shows the strip in place.


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Now...I assembled the freight side of the depot. Using the .060 x .060 strip glued to the inside of the wall at the corners, to keep the walls square.
Tip: Good idea to mark the walls(as in the pic) for ease of assembly.
The next pic shows the basic freight side assembled.


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Using the same techique as the freight side, I assembled the SA's office.
After that was done, I attatched it to the freight side. Here's the basic depot assembled.


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To plug the window, I glued a piece of scrap plastic to the inside of the wall, then glued the plug in place.
And there she is....The basic completed depot.
Next up: A base, the loading docks and maybe some scenery.


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