Your good thoughts....


New Member
Jan 21, 2005
Raleigh NC
Greetings to all
Have been thoroughly enjoying this forum for well over a year now. Unhappily I must ask a great favor from as many of you as possible, as I put the MRailroading at rest for a while. After three rounds of chemo, my most recent test just came back, the leukemia is starting to reappear, and a transplant seems to be the only possiblity remaining. Your good prayers, thoughts, will be very helpful and appreciated at this time. No need to respond to me directly; just knowing that you are responding in your own way is very sufficient. Thanks, all of you, and God willing, I'll stay on the Gauge for a long, long time. I still have way too much scenery left to do.
You are expected back here, so get well quickly. There are many here that won't answer this, but be assured, you will be in their prayers and mine as well.

Keep the faith, we all wish you sucess and to the best care possible...:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
Harpo...My prayers will be with you. Both my wife and I are cancer survivors. Our prayers will be for you to be around for a long time. God bless

Will keep you in prayer as the Lord brings you to mind.
Hang in there pal.

I have had 3 transplants and am still heading south.

I have found being positive and agressive works for me.

You might visit a few open A A meetings and see their wisdom and resovle we work with there, it will bost you.

Also sign onto my post board and talk about it in anyway you feel. You find a friend there.
Hello Harpo, I'll make sure the students in my class offer a special prayer for you. You are in my thoughts.