www.internettrains.com bad experiences!!!


New Member
Jun 19, 2006
I figured since alot of people on here buy trains online they may want to know the bad experiences I have had with the company internettrains.com over the past year.

I first used this company about a year ago to order the atlas track for my layout (a very common item). After paying for 2nd day shipping, the layout sat trackless for over a month as I waited for the order to arrive. Finally, it showed up and they swore it was because of a new computer system. Then months later I ordered an engine because it was on sale and actually had forgotten I bought it by the time it arrived. This didn't get me angry only because it took so long I had forgotten about it.

My most recent order has been the worst yet! I ordered an engine and decoder (they were the only place that I found the engine) 3 and a half weeks ago. The site says orders ship in 3-7 business days. It has been 17 business days with no word from them!!! I used the "contact us" link on the site to send a message asking about the order. That was a week ago and got no response. I have called the number several times only to get a recording that says to send a message using the "contact us" link and not to leave a message on the machine. It also says those email messages are replied to within 2 business days. I sent mine a week ago. Needless to say I am very annoyed and I cant even get in touch with anyone to give a piece of my mind. I gave this company the benefit of the doubt multiple times but obviously it is just a bad company. Do not believe their lies about delays caused by a new computer system as they have been consistently bad for over a year.

I do all of my shopping online and have never seen a company with as horrible service as this one. Sorry for the long post but that's my angry opinion in case anyone cares. :curse:
Sorry to hear about your troubles.

Maybe it's time to invoke the "3 strikes" rule on them.

I just had a crappy experience with Athearn,never going to buy anything with their name on it again.

wow beezerv ive been lookin there for a while cause they have some good deals.well i guess im never buying from them ever.you know,i was thinkin if there this bad they better pick it up cause i hope they understand word travels fast between modelers.and theyll run themselves into the ground!
This doesnt resolve the issue but when companies say "ships in 3-7 business days" this means that it takes 3-7 days BEFORE it leaves their warehouse and begins its shipping.
If you buy crappy shipping and it takes 1 week to shift, your looking at 10 days - 21 days to receive your gift...

Hope you understand. You may think they were late by 3 weeks but maybe on 1-2 weeks late... It all depends really on what kind of shipping and if they were actually late or not.
I am not saying its not their fault, im just trying to clear something up because the way you put it sounds a lott off..
"...3-7 business days. It has been 17 business days with no word from them!!!"
Renovo: As I said in the original post, it was the only place I could find the engine.

Prodigy: The item has not shipped and it has been 17 business days. I know this because you can check the status online. That is 10 business days beyond what the site says and who knows how many more it will be before it ships.
Ah, crap.... I've had an order sitting and waiting for them to process since the 26th of last month. Looks like I'll be cancelling that one.
I am on the verge of having a bad experience with them myself. Site says orders are processed in 3 to 7 days. Today is the 8th day and their website shows that my order still has not been processed. I sent them an email. I'll see if they respond.

I'll keep yall posted on the outcome. I did an internet search for "internet trains" and found that quite a few people have complained on public mrr forums about this company. I hope I don't have to be one of the disgruntled customers.
It seems to be the norm....I finally ended up cancelling an order I had placed with them about a year ago when after nearly a month of "promises" it had not shipped (I did get to talk to a live one...). I placed the same order with Walthers and had it on my doorstep in 4 days. Guess where I'm buying from now...
I had like experiences. I made two orders and had horrid shipping. The third order went on for over a month and when I finally reached someone was told it was back ordered. I asked why I wasn't notified. No response, just "it's back ordered." I said cancel the order and never have ordered again and never will.
My belief is that most things are ordered by Internet Trains from a supplier after you order and they have no stock. My first order arrived in a Walther's box!
There are so many fine online dealers that it makes no sense dealing with this outfit.
After reading this, I went back and checked my order status again. I ordered my items on Jan 26th. The order still has not processed. I sent them an e-mail and told them if my order was not processed and shipped within the next week, I would cancel the payment through my credit card comapny. We'll see if that shovels some coal in the firebox.
Renovo PPR said:
Considering the number of negative threads about these guys across the internet, you would think they're getting a clue on what sort of reputation they are developing and start looking for a way to fix it. Word spreads fast across the net and there is no room for poor customer service when your customers have virtually endless options availible to shop elsewhere.
I have not used Internettrains but I have used a couple of places that were very good

1) ModelRailcraftSupplyDepot in NJ..Jeff is VERY helpful...He found some old athearn loco parts for me...and if he didn't have it right there, he got them from another source and sent it to me very quickly as well. He's even sent me some small parts for FREE! He's responded to all of my emails, and even called me on two occassions to make sure we were getting the right stuff...on his own "dime" as well! And his prices are competitive too.
2) NHS hobbies in NY. Again very helpful/friendly on the phone and was very upfront when they didn't have something in stock...they didn't take my money now for something they might get who knows when.

I also had a not so nice experience with Athearn's parts poeple. Very curt/rude responses to my emails (several)...and they were just as bad on the phone...I finally just hung up on the guy when it seemed like I was bothering him and found the parts elsewhere! Customer service means alot to me...and i'll pay more for something if its good.

n4085b said:
Customer service means alot to me...and i'll pay more for something if its good.



I have used Standard Hobby Supply in New Jersey and have had GREAT service from them. Orders are shipped quickly, even all the way out to California. I was actually surprised the first time how quick it arrived. I did get an order once from them that had a backordered item, but they refunded that until the item was in stock and then sent me notification that it was in stock and asked for authroization to recharge the card for it.

Can't ask for more than that! :thumb:
Me Too!

I only went through internet trains once. It took almost a month to get my order. Most of the time now I go through discount trains online or ebay. Discount trains has never taken over a week to get my order to me from the day I pressed the order button.

Best customer service I ever had. I bought an N scale Thomas from an ebay store named Plaza Japan (in Japan). It was at my house two days later!!!! From Japan!!!! (of course it was three days from there, but two days for me, I love the date line)
I sent Internet Trains a friendly email a month ago to let them know that their reputation was going down the tube. I got a reply, blaming a new computer system and thanking me for the heads up. Doesn't sound like much has changed.