Would it be cheating...

This subject isn't an issue on this forum. I'd like to see that tank you built! :)
My builds are either prototypes of my own designs or rescales of 'established' models by others, in either case I often incorporate such things as coffee stirs, cocktail straws or wooden chopsticks as reinforcing 'stiffeners' to ease assembly.
I sometimes make auto gyros that can be thrown, and if thrown right, gently land, every time. Guaranteed soft landing if the are thrown off tall buildings. Some pics of the rotor design I developed and a mock up. These flew great. I lost some in New York City when the updrafts just took them away. One bad throw, and then it is way too much time making a rotary wing! As long as you allow for the glades to flap, pivot forward and backwards, and understand why this must happen, and adjust the trailing edge of the rotors appropriately, tilt the rotor back and slightly to the right, in spinning counterclockwise, you should have no trouble making one. :)


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If I were to use thin steel wires in a card model?

As a purist (in the hobby sense) I find it difficult to do this one particular project without the convenience of nine thin steel wires for this model to spare me a few hours of frustration and hard work to use cardstock for consistency sake.

How often have you had to use "substitutions" for card stock in your models? I'm a hobbyist, not an engineer and I'm at wits end to solve this problem.

I considered using very thin wooden dowels but the results weren't satisfactory.

When I built the model of John Lennon's 1958 Rickenbacker guitar, I used Horse hair for the strings instead of cutting VERY thin strips of paper. It ain't cheating if it's built the way YOU want it built. :)

Use whatever you think will work. I am a beginner at this and I started it because it looked like fun. If you make it not fun, why do it? It's your paper and ink - rock it any way you want!:thumb:
I know I'm late for saying this (necro-post incoming) but thank you all for you input. I have thought about the rules of modeling and after making some efforts of my own and against my own best intentions I have stubbornly stuck with being a purist but within reason.

There is no greater substitute for paper crafting other than paper. Aesthetically I can appreciate other's open mindedness about the subject matter and I am very grateful for your contributions.
Actually, since you are the original poster, it is not necroposting. Gotta come up with a word that describes the action better.

On the subject, some people here make paper models that are played with, so they are also paper toys. I think that is why you see other than paper materials. It's all subjective. :)
Very true, it is very subjective.

However my models are probably designed towards miniature wargaming than anything or at least 80% of my works at least.

No photos yet unfortunately. I am withholding for personal reasons until I think my work is ready for the public. Call me paranoid.
Golly, I guess that I have to jump in here for my two cents worth and ask the underlying philosophical question behind all this: Do you HAVE to OBEY the RULES in order to be a CARD MODELER? In order to answer that question, we must EXAMINE the RULES DEFINING who and what can be a CARD MODELER. Hummmmm! Can't find the rules!!! Where are they posted?

Simple answer - There are NO RULES! This is a HOBBY and we all set our own standards for what we do. Allow me to share my simple rules:

1. I do this for fun; to enjoy!
2. My harshest critic is myself!
3. I like (like, not required) to share techniques and ideas.
4. If it is enjoyable and fun and if I am satisfied with the results., then it is judged to be within the rules.
5. If I make money from it, then rules 1 and 2 no longer apply and rule 4 becomes "judged by customer satisfaction".
6. If any rule interferes with rules 1, 2 and 4; the rule maker (ME) reserves the right to change the rules until 1, 2, and 4 are satisfied.

Hummm! What about contests, organized clubs, formal groups, etc. Easy, they have there own published rules. If participating and following those rules satisfies rules 1-6 above, have at it.

So decide what your rules are and HAVE FUN!!


And I forgot what is one of the most important rules - rule 7 (I am starting to sound like Gibbs of NCIS).

7. Do not try to impose my rules on others.


There is no cheating, of course, I think wires in those under wire bras are a bit deceptive, but I'm married now, and no longer have to worry about being deceived. Well, unless I am being deceived, but after 27 years, I really couldn't blame her! :)

BEST ANSWERS ever. As a newbie (although a 45 y.o.), I am really afraid of even showing my beginner's work here, but you know what? I'm in it for the FUN!!! But I have a different rule #2 from fishBait: my harshest critics are my boys, a 11 y.o. and a 03 y.o., so if it's not a rule, then do what you have to do!
Greetings from Brazil!
For me "paper modelling" doesn't mean "only paper" it means "paper based", so no, not "cheating".

However, if you build a big or complicated model and only use paper as internal reinforcement, making the build more difficult, you should get a wee bit extra kudos.
You live by the sword, you die by the sword.

Again it comes from being a purist.

I'm at the point if I have to use something other than paper then don't mention anything about it. What they don't know can't hurt me.

I know that sounded cloak and dagger, well... a model maker needs to have his secrets and some fun on top of it all. :thumb:

In my defense I use very little that isn't paper or cardstock in my latest models. Since 2011 if I used anything is makes less that 10% of the entire model. In my inventory I've used: Plastic wrap, foam shavings, small guage wire, toothpicks, wooden kabob sticsk, fishing liner, melted plastic bottles, aluminum foil, wax paper, paper clips, and rubber bands.

Yeah, I've done some really awful cheating in my late model making career... :eek:ops:

Still not ready to show pictures. Too many of you would hate me.
You live by the sword, you die by the sword.

Again it comes from being a purist.

I'm at the point if I have to use something other than paper then don't mention anything about it. What they don't know can't hurt me.

I know that sounded cloak and dagger, well... a model maker needs to have his secrets and some fun on top of it all. :thumb:

In my defense I use very little that isn't paper or cardstock in my latest models. Since 2011 if I used anything is makes less that 10% of the entire model. In my inventory I've used: Plastic wrap, foam shavings, small guage wire, toothpicks, wooden kabob sticsk, fishing liner, melted plastic bottles, aluminum foil, wax paper, paper clips, and rubber bands.

Yeah, I've done some really awful cheating in my late model making career... :eek:ops:

Still not ready to show pictures. Too many of you would hate me.

By all means, please show off your work. No one here will hate you (if the do, then that is on them). As you see there are MANY modelers who use things that are not paper to enhance their models. I am one of those people, So there is nothing wrong with doing such. Do what you feel is the right thing to do to make your models the way that you want them to look. If that means that you need to use a paper clip, a plastic stir-stick, a toothpick, an empty ink cartridge from a BIC pen, or what ever else you can think of for your model, then so be it.
NO ONE will penalize you for it (and if they try to, they will have to deal with me).
This is a hobby to be ENJOYED! So do so and have fun.

As Bobby McFerrin once said: "Don't worry be HAPPY"!
Every model field has purists. They have created that purity in their own minds and artificially created a standard. Create your own standard and have at it. Unless you are violating forum rules and risk the wrath of a moderator, build it and share it. Have fun and share your joy.


hey after all it is YOUR hobby. Play the game however you want to play it.