Window Shades


Active Member
Jan 28, 2001
Just thought I'd pass along this little tip.
I read about this somewhere several years ago, but I'm just now getting around to trying it.
I've used several things for modeling window shades before: construction paper, bits of styrene, & those little paper "curtains" that come with some kits.
Last night, I decided to try something different - used coffee filters.
Get the used filter out of the machine, wash it off, & hang it up to dry. Cut them to the size you need, use a dab of white glue to stick them to the back of the window glazing, & voila! - old, dirty shades!
Just thought I'd pass that along.
Have a great day, everybody!
I've noticed on a few model photo's of caboose and crane cars where they have a rolled up shade that looks like a cloth, drop awning. They are complete with ties to hold them up.
I think I'd like to give this a go.
Ever try anything like this? I can't tell from photo's if it's cloth or paper..but it sure looks good.


Rush Run River Logging Co.
I'm sure you could use the coffee filter to model a cloth awning, as long as it doesn't get a lot of handling. They are a bit fragile.