whats the best riser hight?

cidchase said:
Reading the above thread, I'm wondering how n scale got to be other than 1:160!
Have I been under a misconception? :eek:ops: I get 160"/12=13'4" Tell me if I'm
all wet again!!:D :D

huh? i dont know, i am just going off what i was told, that 1" = 12.82 feet, to make it easy for me, i just been calling an inch, 12 feet even
I built the HO diorama from Woodlands Scenic. The track is raised about 2 " it allows for installing a culvert under the track for example.
So in N scale, a 1" raiser should be fine.
If, the way I understand it, below the raiser you have an axtra 1" of extruded pink foam it'll be even better.
You are right Cid. There was a type or misinformation, don't know which, 1 foot in n scale is .075 inches in real life, not .078. So 13'4" per inch is correct, exactly.

baldwinjl said:
You are right Cid. There was a type or misinformation, don't know which, 1 foot in n scale is .075 inches in real life, not .078. So 13'4" per inch is correct, exactly.


ok, ill go with the 13 foot 4". it dont matthwe to me, i want to be to scale, but a foot eather way dont matter to me, im not that picky........lol
This time it might not matter, but it is good to know the right stuff. Sometime you might be worrying about clearance, and a scale foot could matter.
im not going over top of anything, do you ever see tracks at ground level in the real world? i dont here in iowa, il, MO,
ozzy: Very rarely, I see an old siding at ground level but not often. Probably at one time that siding was above grade but over the years dirt accumulated around the tracks and so now all you can see is the rails and tops of the ties. Main lines definitely will be above ground level unless going through a cut.