What season do you model?

What season do you model?

  • winter

    Votes: 4 7.7%
  • spring

    Votes: 7 13.5%
  • summer

    Votes: 30 57.7%
  • autumn

    Votes: 11 21.2%

  • Total voters


Just curious, I don't think I have seen this discussed before. I am a late summer guy.

I've admired some fine looking Fall season layouts in this forum and I've sometimes flirted with the idea of a Winter layout but I opted for what must be Spring or Summer with Woodland Scenes green foams. :)
Summer.I like the green also

Winter?Absolutely not!We get enough of the white stuff here as it is,I don't need to look at it year round on my layout.

Spring or fall wouldn't be bad,but as mentioned I enjoy the green of summer.Besides,up here in No. MN they're just basically a part of winter anyways.

Well I wanted to choose all the options, because I've been thinking about having my (future) layout split into four and then having a season for each season. But I chose spring since I'll start off by constructing Caluzaville.

Cape Town/ Harbour section: Has to be summer- it's the coast, come on!

Tarlton: Has to be autumn, when there is an array of colours, the rural areas around here look great.

Caluzaville: Named after my fiancé (her current surname, Caluza), has to be spring.

And the mine section can be winter- it will be nice to have a mix of Evergreens and dead trees and brush.
I do summer because I think it gives you the most latitude,fall and winter are kinda short.Most fall layouts I have seen{in magazines}look very toylike,with the colours being too bright and unrealistic.Winter,for me would have cleanliness issues,it would soon start looking like early spring with all the dirty snow.
I guess mine will really be late summer because I'm going to slip in a blueberry field{after all this is the blueberry capital of the world}
LATE spring:thumb: , in the summer here the grass turns brown, but in late spring all the leaves are on the trees, and theres enough rain to keep everything real green:winki::mrgreen: .
:deano: -Deano
Late summer to early fall. It's probably the most beautiful time of year in the High Country.
Good question, Kevin!

When I started my layout, I chose fall because it's my favourite season & is so colourful. I used lots of bright reds and oranges. But, when I decided to make my layout an English layout, I changed it to summer.

This was mainly because the layout seemed to look better in strong green colours -- it seemed more natural, realistic & simply looked better. It was also partly because the British falls aren't as spectacular as our Canadian ones and (due to so much rainfall) the British scenery is usually very lush and green.

So that's my longwinded answer!

Like Rob, outside I like autumn most. But on a layout it is easy to overdo it with the gaudy orange and red trees. So I'll try to model late summer with a few trees starting to turn yellow/orange/red.

But to be honest, at the moment I also should have clicked on a 'Plywood' button, if there was one...:mrgreen:

Well I wanted to choose all the options, because I've been thinking about having my (future) layout split into four and then having a season for each season. But I chose spring since I'll start off by constructing Caluzaville.

Cape Town/ Harbour section: Has to be summer- it's the coast, come on!

Tarlton: Has to be autumn, when there is an array of colours, the rural areas around here look great.

Caluzaville: Named after my fiancé (her current surname, Caluza), has to be spring.

And the mine section can be winter- it will be nice to have a mix of Evergreens and dead trees and brush.

Are you going to have a clear cut-off line between each season, or blend gradually from one to another. I think the latter option would be extremely difficult to pull off, but would look spectacular if done right. Has anybody seen this done successfully before?

I chose late summer for my layout because it's my favourite time of year - and also my birthday!! I like the lush green of August, when hillside grass is turning gold, the lazy afternoons and the sultry evenings.

Having said that, I'm also drawn to the fall colours, and having lots of reference shots of trains in winter I'd like to model that too.

I've often thought that it would be nice to have a layout that was large enough to have a transition of seasons, not just terrain. That would give you the best of all worlds.
