What is it?........

Well.... the angles on that box look 'Macross' style, but those claws on the end (I think that's what they are) aren't standard... hmmm...

Destroid Spartan?
I don't know but it looks menacing! )

It's actually pretty cool ;)

Also cant hazard a guess yet, but it looks like the arm will be articulated?

not arms, but yes, articulated ;)

Well.... the angles on that box look 'Macross' style, but those claws on the end (I think that's what they are) aren't standard... hmmm...

Destroid Spartan?

Wrong universe, but good guess. here's another hint ;)


last year i came across a pepukara file. no instructions, nor build pictures. JUST a pep file. but it looked so cool, i had to save it. some parts had to be modified, and others ignored, but finally im attempting to build it. THIS is what it is. A spiderbot drone.

No, i don't remember where i got it or who the author is. if anyone knows, please share, it is rather an interesting creation. :)

That's wild... can't say I've ever seen anything like that. Should make for a cool build!
I feel like i should recognize that fella, but i don't, it feels familiar but i can't place it...
It seems like this robot-y thingy from Ergo Proxy Anime. You can see it here:[YOUTUBE]cfIhZSG_wM0[/YOUTUBE]
In action around 3:30, not very visible, but seems very much like this. I can not remember if it is more visible somewhere later...
Haha, I had an otaku-episode in my life, too. I even fan-subbed this anime, so when I saw the shape, it rang a bell ^_^
And sorry I found only Italian version. The pictures are important here ;)
It seems like this robot-y thingy from Ergo Proxy Anime. You can see it here:[YOUTUBE]cfIhZSG_wM0[/YOUTUBE]
In action around 3:30, not very visible, but seems very much like this. I can not remember if it is more visible somewhere later...
Haha, I had an otaku-episode in my life, too. I even fan-subbed this anime, so when I saw the shape, it rang a bell ^_^
And sorry I found only Italian version. The pictures are important here ;)

could you post some screen shots? all i got from your video was this:


Ok, so i did my own hunt for Ergo Proxy ep1, and found this. although its dark and moody lighting, you can make out enough of the details that even though the basic design is similiar, and they look close, it's not the same mech.

Great memory though, considering how briefly its on screen. Kudos

Ergo Proxy 1.jpgErgo Proxy 2.jpgErgo Proxy 3.jpgErgo Proxy 4.jpgErgo Proxy 5.jpg
last year i came across a pepukara file. no instructions, nor build pictures. JUST a pep file. but it looked so cool, i had to save it. some parts had to be modified, and others ignored, but finally im attempting to build it. THIS is what it is. A spiderbot drone.

No, i don't remember where i got it or who the author is. if anyone knows, please share, it is rather an interesting creation. :)

View attachment 111348

I believe this is it: