What do ya'll think of these wheels?


Jun 4, 2002
Miami Florida
I am going to convert my wheels to metal ones on some of my rolling stock and wondered what ya'll thought of this brand Proto 2000 HO METAL WHEEL SETS Flat Back? Should I buy 33" or 36" wheels I am somewhat confused to the size difference. :confused: Your advise would be appreciated.

Any equipment from the 50's on will use the flat back, as for size 33" for 70 ton & less cars, 36" for 90 ton & above except the 125 ton cars which used 38" wheels. Simply put, any questions, ask. To determine the ton rating look at the CAPY on the car data & divide by 2000 i.e. 140000 lbs divided by 2000 = 70 tons.

Addendum: I guess I should have said I use Proto wheelset where ever possible, freest rolling ones I know, but they don't fit in all trucks, there are different axle lengths between Proto, Kadee, IM & JayBee, I know the Protos didn't fit in the RedCaboose trucks on a car I built a few weeks ago, too long, I used Kadee. Just an example.
I use the P2K 33" wheels on all of my cars regardless of the prototype car's wheel size..Now,I am a little on the easy(lazy?) side of modeling and found using the same size wheels there is less work in adjusting the coupler height due to different wheel sizes. :eek: :wave: :D
:thumb: Yellowlynn...M.B.Klein is Modeltrainstuff.com and the cheapest you'll find Proto 2000 wheelsets anywhere, bar none!!! P2k wheels are good ones but they still don't hold a candle to IM wheelsets. I use P2k on almost all of my cars at the club and save my IM 's for my higher detailed rolling stock at home.

Texas Chief
Van, I've found that it depends on the make of the car as to whether one type or another will fit as I run all makes and models, some upwards of 40+ years old. I replace all mine with metal wheels, be it Kadee, Intermountain, JayBee or NWSL. Takes a bit of experimenting sometimes. I always replace them with whatever diameter they came with...I will nit pick myself that far ;) . As far as ribbed or otherwise, I figger those that notice probably should switch to decaf or sumthin' :p