What are your favorite SiFi Film/series?

Serenity is excellent, and in my book, any show, that has the decency and respect for it's viewers, to wrap it up, just makes it that much better! Do in a good job on it, that's just priceless. Sumner Glau is pretty easy on the eyes too. Actually, all the female members of that crew were easy on the eyes! :)

All the star wars are my fav, Star trek i really like, excluding Deep Space 9, and BSG is also a fav
I noticed you have the Terrestrial Voyager in your signature. What a beautiful model. I hadn't known the model was updated. I just downloaded it. This is on my "to do" list. Thanks!! :)

Yes Zathros, I had started some other models, but good ideas always turn out to be more time consuming and challenging than they first seemed.

Well, since we've had communicated, much has transpired. I am now a Moderator here, and would like to , with arms wide open, to extend an open invitation to you, I am a great admirer of your artistry. I thank you for your response, and hope you will feel comfortable here and honor us with your company, presence, maybe a peek into your present, and future projects, and of course, your sage advice. :)
The Invaders
Lost in Space
Fireball XL5
Battlestar Galactica (old series)
Star Trek ToS

Favorite is Bab5
Star Wars, the complete series ( including the lastest crappy ones :) ), and of course, Matrix, the whole lot
Outside of the mainstream franchises, Star Trek & Star Wars, I've always had a special place for Dune, the original 1984 film, not the Sci-Fi Channel rehash.

What really draws me in is the level of texture and details throughout the movie as well as the depth of design to the character's wardrobe, simply inspired and brilliant.

My guilty pleasure is a 2002 Japanese film titled Returner, it's just a really fun take on The Terminator series of film but does stand up on it's own merits. Highly recommended for anyone fond of Hong Kong Cinema-style action.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v4pWshsQ1U (movie trailer)
Outside of the mainstream franchises, Star Trek & Star Wars, I've always had a special place for Dune, the original 1984 film, not the Sci-Fi Channel rehash.

What really draws me in is the level of texture and details throughout the movie as well as the depth of design to the character's wardrobe, simply inspired and brilliant.

+1 on that, doesn't that movie hold the record for most actors' careers jump-starting? sign1
Dune definitely a great movie. Some scenes wee gratuitous, like the Heartvalve plugs, and Sting was in it because he was popular at the time, ( a big over the top acting). It is a great movie though. It's amazing though if you watch the whole movie. When they show it on T.V., they cut so much out of it, it almost becomes nonsensical. If you don't see the very beginning, with the artwork etc, and the explanation of why society has turned what it has turned into, it kills the movie. Of course, if you read the books, different story.

It is an underrated movie though. I didn't think the Sci-Fi one was so bad though, and in many ways, because it went much further than the movie, it was more satisfying. Aliya was an abomination, but you wold think (again, by only seeing the movies) she was great.

It is one of those great movies, that if done a little bit later, by the same people, could have utilized better C.G. to further enhance the story as they spent way too much money on props, which sacrificed other aspects of the film.
.....Dune definitely a great movie......It is one of those great movies, that if done a little bit later, by the same people, could have utilized better C.G. to further enhance the story as they spent way too much money on props, which sacrificed other aspects of the film......

I place that observation on at the feet of the late Dino de Laurentis, his trademark was large expenditures on 'dressing-up' a film, Flash Gordon (1980) was a good example as were both Conan films and Red Sonja.

That said, I have a fond place for many of his films at large.


land of the giants
the time tunnel
the prisoner
the twilight zone (mystery)
tales of the unexpected (mystery)

forbidden planet
this island earth
the war of the worlds
planet of the vampires (italian movie)

There are so many...