Welcome Gandolf50, our new Moderator


Staff member
Apr 5, 2013

Gandolf50 has pleasantly agreed to take on the role of Moderator. I ask that the membership give him some time as he needs some time before he gets into it. This is truly a pleasure, to have such a talented person become a Moderator here. Subnuke, and Gandolf50 have been so helpful, we truly have been blessed!! ;)
Welcome, "Gandi"! :D ;) :)

A pleasure to have you on board. :Congrats::Drinks::Bravo:

To a happy "modding"! :)

And now an even bigger welcome to the moderator corps. Sorry if my earlier welcome was a bit terse. At the time I was faced with a sick little dog this morning and was concerned about getting her to the vet. Doc checked her out and all is well. She had a case of being a 9 year old dog, overweight, in the heat of the south, playing like a 2 year old dog and did herself a mischief.

Now we have two new eyes on watch. Stereoscopic, man!
Thank-you all! Very Much! I will do my best to help any one with a problem, a question or if you just can not find what you need in the way of research for a project...I will TRY and find it!!

I worked many, different occupations over the years, and most can apply to model making in one way or another, Double Veteran US Navy "SeaBees", civil engineering draftsman, BS/ Education BS/ Fine Arts, MA/Education, MFA . Assistant Professor Architectural Drafting/Cad...and a few others, Point is, some one or some-where in all of our vast experience there is an answer! I truly believe that if I am always learning something new then I must be doing something right! To share knowledge is joyful, and if it creates more questions then it is teaching!
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Thank-you all! Very Much! I will do my best to help any one with a problem, a question or if you just can not find what you need in the way of research for a project...I will TRY and find it!!

I worked many, different occupations over the years, and most can apply to model making in one way or another, Double Veteran US Navy "SeaBees", civil engineering draftsman, BS/ Education BS/ Fine Arts, MA/Education, MFA . Assistant Professor Architectural Drafting/Cad...and a few others, Point is, some one or some-where in all of our vast experience there is an answer! I truly believe that if I am always learning something new then I must be doing something right! To share knowledge is joyful, and if it creates more questions then it is teaching!

Bravo!! Wow, you never cease to amaze me, the models you make, in the words you write. You're the real thing!! :Drinks:
Hey, wait a second, I thought I was getting this guy!!

Gondolf50 the White.jpg
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