Weekly Photo Fun 7/7

UP SD40-2

Senior Member
Apr 29, 2006
Well, its 10:10PM and nobody has started this weeks "Photo Fun" thread yet...looks like its up to me to get the ball rolling:winki: :mrgreen: .
Here's my offering for the weekend. It's a shot of Hudson Highlands RR #900, this day assigned to a Hot Shot run. Highballin' through the country side, we see it here garnering salutations from the crew of a slidelined peddler freight.


Nice start Dean! I agree, your roads are fabulous! CNJ999, Great shot!!!
That's a sharp looking loco and I can't stop looking at the details on that caboose!

My contribution this time is big PC power resting at the KP&W's small engine facilities at the junction where they meet in Kingsport. Adding more details like hoses to those sand towers is still on the "to do" list. :)

Deano...I concur with Gus: "THAT ROAD...best I've seen anywhere..!!! GREAT JOB...!!!":thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb: Also, your taste in boxcars is impeccable:winker::mrgreen:

CNJ999...beautiful pic!!!

Ralph...I love that shot!...great job:thumb::thumb::thumb:
question: is that the infamous "Days without an accident" sign in the lower right corner?:mrgreen:

I was trying to take pics from the back of the layout towards the front of the room. I used a skyblue piece of poster board simply held in my hands for these experimental pics. I will need some kind of rolling "front-drop" to take finished looking pictures....but these give an idea of what is possible.


Deano: WOW! Now thats an awsum way to start things off! Cool shot.
CNJ999: Fantastic outside shot..
Ralph: Cool shot, gotta love those U boats!
Steve: Awsum shot. I really like your trestles..that poster board works well...
Here's Extra 4204 West with a WM F7B unit in the consist..

Great start to this weeks photo phun! Keep em comin!
A little something I bought at the local NMRA division meeting I attended today (Division 7 of the mid-west division, to be exact):


Great pics everyone! Keep on with the quality shots!:thumb:
Gus, THANK YOU!, for the complements:smilie: .

CNJ999, OUTSTANDING SHOT!:thumb::thumb::thumb: my Dad REALLY liked it too!:thumb: .

Ralph, NICE SHOT of the engine servicing facility:thumb: i love the sign shot too:winki: ...to funny:mrgreen::thumb: .

Steve, WOW!!!:eeki: SLAP AWESOME BRIDGE SHOTS!!!:thumb::thumb::thumb: that angle worked out well!:winki::mrgreen:

Mark, FANTASTIC SHOT!!!:thumb::thumb::thumb: I swear just looking at it makes me feel as though i am there:winki::thumb::thumb: .

tomkat, GREAT SHOTS!!!:thumb::thumb::thumb: looks like an area where i live:winki: .

CNWman, NICE collector car!:thumb::thumb::thumb:

I know, i post to many shots at crossings:eek:ops::119: , i don't know what it is about grade crossings, but they are one of my favorite places to see trains:mrgreen: . i think for some of us, one of our first encounters with a train was at a crossing:winki: .
:deano: -Deano




You're right about grade crossings. They are the place most of us first observed trains. Your grade shots are very realistic! I love that diner scene too. Hey, here's a detail question. What did you use for guard rails along the road across from the diner?
CNWman-very nice collector car,god bless the queen city!
Deano-one question...how do you build your roads!!! there incredible,i can never get mine to look so perfect,and aged to perfection!!!--josh

You're right about grade crossings. They are the place most of us first observed trains. Your grade shots are very realistic! I love that diner scene too. Hey, here's a detail question. What did you use for guard rails along the road across from the diner?
THANK YOU VERY MUCH Ralph!:smilie:
for the guardrails, i use Pikestuff brand, Walther's #541-3:winki:
last week i took a TON of picks from different angles of the grade crossings, and was going to do a whole thread on grade crossings, after much thought, i decided it wasn't a good idea:eek:ops: . now i have TONS of grade crossing pics....look for them in future posts:eek:ops::119: .

...Deano-one question...how do you build your roads!!! there incredible,i can never get mine to look so perfect,and aged to perfection!!!--josh
THANKS Josh!:smilie:
my roads are pretty simple:eek:ops: . i use styrene, and paint it primer gray. for the stripes, i use automotive pin striping, you can pick it up at ANY auto parts store:thumb: , 1/16th for the thin stripes, 1/8th for the thicker stripes:thumb: ,you can use yellow or white(for more modern era roads, you would use the yellow:winki: ). to weather the roads i just used Polly Scale "engine black", about two teaspoons to a pint of Isopropyl Alcohol 70% strength, dip your brush in the mixture and wipe most of it off on a paper towel, now "drybrush" the tire paths on. be sure to add some oil spots here and there:winki: (it took me 3 and a half hours to weather the Diner parking lot and main road:eek:ops: ). i used a VERY FINE TIP marker to make the cracks in the road, place them here and there:winki: . THATS IT!:eeki: now you know how simple it is:thumb: . There are better ways to do roads:winki: , be sure and check out the MODELING GREATS:worship: roads on this forum, before you settle for mine:eek:ops: .
THANKS! :deano: -Deano

thanks deano! i was suprised at how simple you made it sound! ill definatley try it and the other GREAT modelers like yourself on making roads.thanks.--josh
Great start to the photo thread!

Awesome shot!

Nice shot of the locos!

Neat shot!

Cool shot of a great consist!

Great looking flatcar and scene!

Cool hopper!

Great shots and nice locos!
Mark, NICE SHOTS!:thumb: My favorite so far this week that you have posted is the first one:winki: . hope you don't mind that i "saved" it to my computer:smilie: .

Smoke, GREAT JOB on that SD75M:thumb::thumb:

Tom, THANK YOU for the complements:smilie: . Hmm...i am looking for YOUR pic/s this week:winki: .


:deano: -Deano