Weekly Photo Fun 7/13

I didn't drag my feet this week-end either.
I finished to glue the cork roadbed, finished to assemble and paint the tracks.
I work by making track submodules, I solder the rail-joiners and paint 3 length of sectional track and/or turnouts.
I then solder the subassemblies together.
I didn't glue the tracks yet because I want to test their reliability


In order to get familiar with the Peco Flextrack and electrofrog turnouts wiring I built that micro layout. It's operative and I had fun to build it.
The sector plate can hold 1 engine and 1 boxcar.
Thanks Wayne, this will definentaly be usefull as a last resort (I'm clueless if I have any of the drill bits, to be honest). However, I only remembered some time after I made that post that I have these babies!


Nice, eh?:mrgreen:

The only problem with using the Kadee draft gear boxes is that you have to remove the original box from the floor. I just looked at a couple of different Accurail cars, and removing the cast-on box will leave very little material to which you can either glue or screw the Kadee box.

...But Deano, rumor has it that Big Ed didn’t really think more power was needed on the Rock Valley Sub and that the staging tracks are flooded with engines already. I heard that he told some friends that he thinks the chairman of the sub is some kind of engine nut :eek:, who always fears not to have enough engines to run the sub, but Big Ed would not dare to tell him :cry:. So, pssst, don’t tell anyone … :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
My GOOD FRIEND Kurt:wav: , what you herd was only a rumor:winki: , more then likely started by a "RIVAL ROAD" trying to take business from the Rock Valley Sub:eeki::winki::toug: . i can PERSONALLY ASSURE YOU that the Sub is one of the BUSIEST on UP's system:thumb: . Hey, "we can handle it", our Sub and its VAST assortment of engines provide "dependable transportation" to ALL our customers:winki::mrgreen: . Fact is, Big Ed stopped in my office just tonight:eeki: , he had expressed concern on just how soon the SD70ACe we had ordered was due in here on the sub:winki: , we have just picked up another BIG account here in Beloit that requires runs between here and Proviso yard in Chicago:thumb: , and even with the addition of the 3 newly leased EG-E units...its just NOT enough:winki: .
Sincerely, C.O.B. Rock Valley Sub, :deano: -Deano

ON a more serious note:winki: , i have just added 20 more pics from my trip to the IRM:thumb: . if interested, click on the link in my Signature below, and check out the folder named; "UP SD40-2's Rail Fan Pics":winki: . i have about 15 more IRM shots good enough to post i will add this week:thumb: .

i have been working 10 hour days, so my modeling & 5000 train projects:roller: has come to a halt for now, just to darn tired to feel like modeling:frowns: , HOWEVER, besides the IRM pics i will be adding to my folder, i found my UP & WSOR folders full of rail fan pics i have taken, so i will be adding those pics this week also....i will post "preview" shots RIGHT HERE as i upload them:thumb: .

THANK YOU! :deano: -Deano



CONGRATULATIONS FOLKS!!!:thumb: I just checked, and THIS WEEK we have BEAT the Weekly Photo Fun record for number of posts!!!:bravo:

We need to beat 1,585 views by Friday to make THIS the record holding Weekly Photo Fun thread!!!bounce7

A SPECIAL THANKS TO EVERYONE THAT HAS POSTED!!!:mrgreen: THANK YOU!:thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb:

:deano: -Deano
Deano, sorry. I know, I shouldn’t listen to all that gossip :cry::eek:ops:. Glad to hear that it was only a rumor and the Rock Valley Sub is prosperous and still needs a lot more engines :wink::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:.

After seeing your pics from the IRM I looked up their website. The roster is very impressive, they’ve even got a VO 660 and the only existing DT6-6-2000 (I am a Baldwin fan). I definitely have to take the trip some day to see and touch all those beauties … :rolleyes:.

The only problem with using the Kadee draft gear boxes is that you have to remove the original box from the floor. I just looked at a couple of different Accurail cars, and removing the cast-on box will leave very little material to which you can either glue or screw the Kadee box.


Actualy doctorwayne,, if to look at the drawing on the right side of the package, it shows that you CAN still use the molded on box, but you have to use the same lid. Frankly, the only way I see to do that is to drill a 1/16th hole in the lid for a screw. I'll pos and example later.
Actualy doctorwayne,, if to look at the drawing on the right side of the package, it shows that you CAN still use the molded on box, but you have to use the same lid. Frankly, the only way I see to do that is to drill a 1/16th hole in the lid for a screw. I'll pos and example later.

On the ones I broke I reused the Accurail covers. I drilled a hole through them where the pin was. I will need to look at them to see what size drill and screws I used. Also I will try to post some photos.
Biased turkey
Great progress!

Nice looking power!

More cool proto shots!

Nice loco! I have a soft spot for Baldwins since my father worked for them and my grade school was located across the street from the plant. Unfortunately by the time I went to school the plant was basically shut down.
On the ones I broke I reused the Accurail covers. I drilled a hole through them where the pin was. I will need to look at them to see what size drill and screws I used. Also I will try to post some photos.

That's exactly what I was gonna do, also! I've found the closest size to be 1/16th via fitting the drill ends through the coupler hole, but as for the screws, I'll have to visit Home Depot:p
Deano: Nice Proto shots. I like that streamline caboose!!:thumb:
Kurt: Wow, Fantastic shot...:thumb:

Blackstone Pass seems to be the hot spot for railfanning right now. Caught this Westbound which had one of the TORCO units, and then a little later along came this Eastbound.

Mark:wav: , NICE SHOTS!:thumb: The first one looks like it was taken in Wisconsin:mrgreen: ....except the road names would be different:toug::119::thumb: .

Kurt:wav: , that last pic was AWESOME!:thumb: besides ALL the work YOU do:worship: , i really liked the Ford billboard, and the SP FM H10-44:mrgreen: . like you and Tom that have a "soft spot" for Baldwins, i have one for FM's:thumb: . THANK YOU!, for posting your SP FM H10-44:thumb::mrgreen: . Here's a pic JUST for YOU and TOM:smilie: , it's a Baldwin VO-1000:thumb: .
:deano: -Deano
Mark, NICE LOOKING Baldwin!!!:thumb: , and GREAT SCENE!!:mrgreen:

Larry:wav: , GREAT looking GP7:thumb: , is that a newly acquired engine? GLAD to see you posting:mrgreen: , missed your pics for a couple weeks:winki: .


Well i posted the LAST 30 pics(that I'm going to for now:119: ) in my "Rail Fan" folder:thumb: . now its really just a mish-mosh of pics i took rail fanning UP & WSOR, and at the IRM:eek:ops: . I posted a couple "info boards" that i thought was kinda cool:winki: , you'll see an example below:smilie: .
:deano: -Deano
