wathers owns bowser

matt fisher

New Member
Mar 1, 2006
I just found out that walthers now owns bowser , my uncle told me this when i showed
pictures of there new u-boats, you want find anything on there web sites yet my uncle found this out because he owns his own cpomuter company.

what do you think ?

Haven't heard anything from the usual suspects, but that doesn't mean it isn't true. The thing that seems just a bit odd is that Bowser is also both manufacturer, and distributer, like Walthers, and I hadn't heard that Bowser was having problems. I'll have to keep aware of the situation.
Sorry to hear that if it is true. While no enemy of good business, I'd rather not have all the hobby coming from one pot. On the other hand, I still have one of Bowser's beautiful K4s...still unassembled...40 years later...sigh:rolleyes:
On the other hand, I still have one of Bowser's beautiful K4s...still unassembled...40 years later
Look at the good side... now you can build it with a can motor, and DCC/sound!

(or sell it on......you know, that "E" thing)

That wasn't a link....was that a link?....no it couldn't have been a link....."chain" letter maybe.....:rolleyes:
sumpter250 said:
Look at the good side... now you can build it with a can motor, and DCC/sound!

AAAAAUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!! Now they'll make it ...like....1000 bucks and preassembledwall1

sumpter250 said:
(or sell it on......you know, that "E" thing)

That wasn't a link....was that a link?....no it couldn't have been a link....."chain" letter maybe.....:rolleyes:

I dunno, I think I hear the enforcers at your door as I type....:thumb:
I just checked both Bowser’s and Walthers website and there is nothing about this. A take-over like this I am sure one if not both websites would have an announcement on them. When Bowser took over Stewart the announcement was on both websites the day it happened.

Until an official announcement comes out I would file this one under rumor.