WARR Update


Jun 8, 2002
Lisbon, Portugal
Well, I was able to remove all my ballast, as I was adviced in the Technical Q & A forum, bought a new N Scale ballast, because I usually used the H0... wrong!!!! Newbie error... buy what there is at the LHS...

Well, I've order one ballast really small, really up to scale. It will b e here next week. I'm anxious. In the mean time, I've been rustying my rails. Painted the ties, and with a darker redish brown, painted rails. These rails here are to be in a Steel Arched Bridge from Faller.

It took me quite a while to do all this, but it is great.


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at the bottom of that bridge there will be a beach. But to go to that bridge, Man had to get rid of some rocks, with TNT... And built a wall to secure other rocks from falling.

Here it is, still with many details to add.


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I'm needing your help, fellow modellers,

Today, I was doing some things here at my layout, and I thought about one thing:

It was possible to recover all my track from my layout, so I'm thinking about building a new structure. But my problem is this - I need to creat a structure that can be noise absorver, 3.9cms hight, so that I can put a bridge there, and easy for wiring.

So what kind of struture should I do? I'm thinking about open frame, perhaps something with foam... What do you guys think?

Thanks for your time.
It's good to see your progress Luis. Is the bridge a kit?
As far as colouring the foam just coat it with latex paint in a beigy grey colour then while wet, sprinlke on ground foam .
The second oval is added. I think I need to get a second PSU to this oval and sidings. This way I can control two trains finally.


what do you think?

As the turnouts are in the back of the layout, I recommend that you really check them out for specification and reliability.

What I mean are:
- do the points lie flush against the running rail on both sides when thrown
- are the flangways to spec
- are there any parts that are out of level

The reason is, reaching them to fix looks like it might be difficult. Better to make sure they work well before it is hard to remove them to fix.

I have 4 turnouts that I have to fix, and I have to remove the upper level on my layout to get to them. :-( Luckily the upper level is not sceniced yet, so I can still unscrew and remove it.

garyn, thanks for you concern.

About the turnouts everything is ok, and the size of this layout, makes it easy to reach.

I've been testing it all day, since i had manytrains runing, and runing, and runing about 2h (with stops, making them go backwards, bla bla bla, And I had no derailments. The two trains run smoothly, but I'll test the track even before ballasting.

About the S curve near the bridge. No derailments either.
