Walts Stumps


Just to let a few of you know who have shown interest in my stumps, the Rusty Stumps website is no more. Well sort of, for the time time being.

The cost of keeping the site up for no sales isn't a good idea so this month I have notified Earthlink to take it down. I'm looking in to hosting it myself and so it may be back up on a new server in a few weeks to a month or so. Sorry for any inconvience.

Hey Val,

It's no big deal, just that right now I need to conserve money and this thing isn't bringing any in!:( It could change later on but as of now I'm down quite a bit on my original investment in materials, website, advertising, etc. I would need to sell about 100 dozen to breakeven I think! :D

Hey Walt, how about linking to some other site in the meantime? Lots of space out there if you know where to look. You could even go in with some others to share an entry with a button linking to your site. That way, you have a place to point your URL without having to maintain an expensive site. As your site is not that big, you don't need all that much space...
Just a thought...

Tom F

PS: Your prices are WAY too cheap for what you do! I'll be ordering a set of the 3 footers as soon as I get the new base set up...:D

PPS: Just for yucks, after I proof read this message, I discovered I had typed,
"You could even go in with some otters to share an entry..."
I should have left it that way... It would have made for some great ribbing...:D
"Watch out, first you let the otters in, then the beavers show up and BAM! ALL the trees are stumps..." (he, he):D
Originally posted by tomfassett
Hey Walt, how about linking to some other site in the meantime? Lots of space out there if you know where to look. You could even go in with some others to share an entry with a button linking to your site. That way, you have a place to point your URL without having to maintain an expensive site. As your site is not that big, you don't need all that much space...
Just a thought...

Tom F

PS: Your prices are WAY too cheap for what you do! I'll be ordering a set of the 3 footers as soon as I get the new base set up...:D

PPS: Just for yucks, after I proof read this message, I discovered I had typed,
"You could even go in with some otters to share an entry..."
I should have left it that way... It would have made for some great ribbing...:D
"Watch out, first you let the otters in, then the beavers show up and BAM! ALL the trees are stumps..." (he, he):D


Well I have other sites myself but just not the time to do the chasing to get the URL re-directed. I understand you can contact one of the registery places and get that done.

As to prices, I thought they might be too high. I hear a lot of complaining on price on the forums. Well at least at the ole RR-L I did! :D If they were to sell it wouldn't be bad. My original idea was just to get my costs back and I haven't accomplished that at all.

As to the "some otters to share an entry..." We use otters from time to time to nibble some of the detail into the originals. See we go out in the woods and find a suitable stump in 1:1 scale work on it till it has the look we like then we use this machine I invented that shrinks them down to 1:87 scale and we make our molds from that. Now the shrinking isn't permanent so we have to work fast as they expand back to 1:1 real quick. Almost lost an arm one time as I didn't get out of the way fast enough.:p :D :eek:


I don't think your prices were too high, for the detail I thought your prices were very low. I think they are great (as you know I purchased a few;) ) I hope they start selling, I was looking forward to your next offerings.
Originally posted by shamus
Hi Walt, I noticed that your website was up and running, still want me to put it on my website also.


Hey Paul,

Sometimes Earthlink leaves the site going but you can't re-publish any of the pages. I haven't tried the site to see if that's the case but they did that to one of my other ones a short time back. I kind of got to me as the pages were getting outdated so I finally had to contact them and get it "parked" properly so it pointed to the proper site.

They may also be letting it run out till the time is up that I've already paid for this month. So one day it will possibly just disappear!:eek:

Go ahead if you want to Paul, I have no problems with that. If I can get things straightened around here I hope to at least put in a cable DSL line with dedicated IP address and I can host it myself. That don't work too well on a dial up line!:rolleyes:
