Valkyrie - New Model (WIP)

I did have a very tragic loss when I flew an Cessna into a wall. I was in a very sharp turn, and looking at the airplane. I had not realized that I had in fact gained too much speed for the turn, the wing loading must have been to great because the plane went into the wall. Luckily, no one was injured, and there was no explosion of flames, which is a great benefit and one reason why flying paper planes inside the house is safe! My Insurance gent would not cover the loss though, Freakin' Insurance companies! :)
Weapon and Engine sounds? :rolleyes: I have no idea what you are talking about...

UV and basic Textures for the 'box' and side doors are now complete. I'll be detailing these a little more while I work on the rear door and the 'box' interior.



An interior! I wonder how many of my lego,............ I mean, my son's Lego guys, can fit in there! :)
Thank you; yes, I'm planning a full interior with benches and all. If I can swing it, I'll make the gun swivel mounts actually swivel, although that may be beyond the limits of the medium.

One of my favorite parts in Space Marine thus far (I've not completed it yet, I'm stuck on a boss fight) was a running gunfight in a Valkyrie. Exhilarating.
Still working on the interior, but while you wait:



I should note, this is the first obvious deviation from the stock model. The doors are rectangular in the actual kit; I've elected to go this route, which I think looks better (and fits better with the way I've modeled the 'box')

I've been asked to build a custom project that may take up my free time for the next few weeks, so may be little to no progress for a bit.

I've made a little bit of progress (in my spare time) on the interior. The walls (and greeble) are now modeled, the bench and ceiling have yet to be completed, as well as the UV textures. As there are so many components, it will take a while just to lay out the UV map.

I am still working out the mechanics of making the gun-arm assembly, although I think it is still possible to have at the minimum a poseable arm, if not a strictly articulated one.





Some of these parts may be too small to assemble easily, I will be using layered textures for those that wish to avoid squinting while assembling.

Speaking of scale, out of dumb curiosity, does anyone know the actual length of the model? I know what the canon length of aircraft is, and I've modeled it in my standard 1:50, but I don't know what the printed sizes should be. Rescaling is easy, I just want to be sure is it close enough for comparison.

Currently (if I don't rescale) the side doorways would print out at 3.26 cm wide. I assume (I know, terrible habit), that the doorway should be around 2.5 - 2.6 cm (1"), but I have no way of verifying (aside from spending $70+ on the model, the avoidance of which was the entire point of this exercise).

Thank you,
That's something ARMORMAN might know. I can watch the worst Science Fiction movie just to look at the Spaceships. This model you are making stands on it's own in that fashion. If you make it so those little Lego guys can go in it, I know a 12 year old that will be very Happy! :)
Elli's Model is 268 mm X 198 mm.

Best I could find. I've been having fun myself. What I tend to do when trying to figure this stuff out is to find a pic with a figure that I know the height of and extrapolate the info from there.
ARMORMAN your ability to dig this kind of information is only matched by your ability to dig up this kind of information!!:p:twisted:
It has been a while since my last update, I know. I worked on a physical model of my B-Wing cockpit for a fan-film, played some GW2 (among other games) and generally took a bit of a break.

Well, here we have a rough-textured interior. UV mapping was a bit of a pain, but I used projected UV's for a lot of the console faces, which will make repainting (and assembly) a a lot easier to follow. I have a some more detailing to do, but I will likely work on more of the model (wings) next. Clean up of the textures can wait. I did my best to match the 'real' models interior bits as much as possible.





This is visually interesting. It looks like "Anime". I think it's awesome! :) What do you use to model with?
;) They are indeed custom made. The model itself is also custom, it is not a game-rip. Sorry, this project has been on hold for some BTech things I've been working on. No worries, I'll get back to it!
It has been a while since I made any comments on this thread. As you continue to design the Valkerie, I can see some of Patoroch's design rubbing off subconsciously on you. It is a good combination between yours and Eli's. You may get some requisitions from the Naval Imperium one of these days.
;) They are indeed custom made. The model itself is also custom, it is not a game-rip. Sorry, this project has been on hold for some BTech things I've been working on. No worries, I'll get back to it!

I apologize if I spoke for you, it' just the questions sometimes . :)
