Thank you very much for these file. thumbsup They looking like they will be helpful to anyone who wants to learn more about this program (like myself).:Computer:
Thanks for posting these. Since one thing I have in abundance now is time, I will go thru these and the program, and see what I can come up with, ya never know, I might turn in to a model designer too
I had some problems with exporting and printing to a pdf file.
I was missing some color segments. Rhaven and R-F helped me to fix it.
The problem good be that the pdf-exporter from inkscape doesn't correctly.
So to solve this problem you can download PDFill.
The problem was that several elements which were clearly seen in the original *.svg file were not printed using the "save as" or "prints as" commands. I think that was due to a glitch in the built-in *.pdf exporter. The solution was to use the virtual PDF printer provided by PDFill. Pretty tricky problem but as long as the workaround works everything should be fine.