Upcoming model from GreMir Models

Man, this is a tough room! :D

Ok, I can take a hint...

Here is the "A" gun I believe and then it's proper location on the forward deck. Feels better just having it there doesn't it? Oh, alright, enough foolishness... the Photos.
Hello again everyone,

I have finished the second torpedo assembly and placed it on the deck. I have also finished a number of smaller pieces here and there. Here are a couple of shots of the progress. Hope to have more this evening. I also want to send out a belated thanks for all of the generous comments!
Glen, this is great work, in fact one of the examples shown to my friends at work when they see me working on a part here and there and I tell them it is paper and someday I'll be good as this. Are the fittings on the tubes silver? Once again bravo :!:
I am honored! I'm not sure I have been used as a good example in some time! :) Anyway, thank you both.

As far as the tubes are concerned, everything is a universal battleship gray. I'm sure it has to do with the flash. I was also lucky enough to find a pen with a gray to match the color that my printer gives out. I even bought 2 pens just in case.

I have started on a life boat or two and hope to have the last gun finished tonight. More pics to follow.

And again, thank you!
Hello all,

Well all of the guns are finished and installed, now on to the finer bits. The forward deck is almost fitted out as well. Back to the microscope...
Hello Everyone,

I wanted to post some progress pictures, but when you are adding details it is hard to see what has changed. I decided just on 3 generic views, I hope that sits well with everyone. I have completed a second lifeboat and installed it. There are also some cranes and such. If anyone has any spacific questions or wants a closer shot of anything just let me know.

On to the photos...
Hi Glen

Well done mate, it looks fantastic :D
It will be very hard for anyone to out do the work you have done, a first class job.
More up dates when you can :roll:

Hello everyone,

Here is a little more progress on the Glowworm. Not much farther to go but all VERY small parts! Fun none the less.

Here are a couple of shots.
Hi again Everyone,

After a bout with the flu and some family matters (children, automobiles, slick roads, buying another car...) more of the detail is finished. Only a few parts to go!