Upcoming model from GreMir Models

Thanks Charlie, thanks Mike.

Why has Cardfan got a panic button under his cutting mat ? ... oops perhaps that's a drawer knob.
One, I never would of figured this particular ship class out from the information (plus a lot more most likely) but who in there right mind names a warship "Glowworm". Sounds Like a name to inspire fights in pubs but the action they fought one of the most valiant in naval history and the actions of the Hipper's captain in the aftermath also deserve credit.
I wasn't aware of these but there was a class of RN ships called the insect class - they were all gunboats of about 650 tons. Many of these were used for patrolling the Yangtze river until the 1930s. Glowworm is probably one of the least problematic of the names:

APHIS (1915), BEE (1916), both by Aisa Co.

CICALA (1915), COCKCHAFER (1915), CRICKET (1915), GLOWWORM (1916), all by Barclay Curle.

GNAT (1915), LADYBIRD (1915), both by Lobnitz.

MANTIS (1915), MOTH (1915) both by Sunderland S.B. Co.
SCARAB (1915), TARANTULA (1915), both by Wood, Skinner and Co.

Thanks to - http://hmsfalcon.com/

The RN has long tradition of reusing ship names - since the Glowworm gunboat was scrapped in 1928 what better name for a G class destroyer -
better than "Gnat" anyway.


Oh, great so it is my fault... I didn't realise you were going to use my own work surface against me. Man, you people are way too good at this! Curses I say. :) I guess you do learn something new everyday.

I will be over here in the corner mumbling and cutting paper. No really, my desk is in the corner. :D

aka Cardfan
Good Morning gang,

Sorry to have taken so long with any more posts on the progress with Glowworm. I have been feverishly working away, some of the assemblys have a bunch of parts!

Here we are:
Hi All,

Here is a couple of shots of the "ski ramp" looking item in front of the number 2 gun implacement. (Sorry I don't have the official term.) I'm sure it is some sort of a protection shield for the number one gun implacement. Makes for a very sturdy assembly when you are finished.
Hi Glen

It is indeed a blast screen to protect the crew of "A" mount. You'll see it's missing in that position on Savage but present between her "X" and "Y" mounts. (also present on Saumarez)
Excellent build and a very detailed model - keep going. :D

Hello gang!

I seem to have gotten lost in the building process, I thought I had posted more progress photos than this. Here is where I am, and appologies for the delay... :eek:ops:
Hello again,

Here is the latest work on Glowworm. Expecting to get a lot more done as the wife is going out of town again. :twisted:
Hi Glen

A very clean build, the ship looks great

This will make a great addition to my little fleet when Mike puts it up for sale :D

Great work mate and keep at it can't wait to see her finished

Thanks Rob!

Here is a couple more bits of progress. I hope they do justice to the model. It is truely amazing how harsh a digital camera can be!
