Union Pacific Big Boy on Turns

Several years ago I had the use of a borrowed Rivarossi Big Boy on our layout which is not very big and has two places with a curve radius that is only 20 inches for a short distance. I had no problem at all with operation, but you do need to be aware that you can not have a signal stand or a bridge pier, or any structure, too close to the track, because that front end will swing like crazy. Good luck. Dave
Those beasties are designed for 18" radius ( the older ones anyway) but, just like Dave said, your LPBs, telephone poles, signals and signs...buildings....mountains...basically anything within 2 1/2" of the main is toast :eek:. In 4 feet you have enough room for 22" curves, that'll give it some breathing room. My Cab-forward still has some surprizing overhang on the club's 30" radius.
I have a recent Big Boy. Yes it can handle 18" radius, and yes, you DEFINITELY want to keep lineside deatils low, or far away from the rails. The smokebox hangs almost a half-inch outside the turns (maybe more, I can measure it when I get home).

If you like, I can take a couple pics of my Big Boy on 18" radius track.

I tussle with this all the time. I don't have an articulated loco myself, but friends have brought theirs over and they run fine on my 22" curves. HOWEVER, they look pretty funny doing so... It becomes a question of how far you're willing to stretch your reality. NOTHING on my layout would like meet the "is it truly prototypical" test, but I do find a difference between not-prototypical and OBVIOUSLY not-prototypical operations...
ok. As promised, here ya go. (pics are 1024x698)




(Yes, Kyna is really trying to bite the tender, and no...she did not scratch it.)

I just had the pleasure of seeing the real deal in the flesh yesterday... And much as my heart lusts for a miniature of it for myself, I just can't bring myself to run it over the curves with such overhangs... Or to consign it to a shelf for viewing only. Oh well, Pennsy didn't run 'em anyhow so it's a double-unprototypical.

But on a technical level, pretty amazing that they could make it go 'round such turns, huh?
kchronister said:
I just had the pleasure of seeing the real deal in the flesh yesterday... And much as my heart lusts for a miniature of it for myself, I just can't bring myself to run it over the curves with such overhangs... Or to consign it to a shelf for viewing only. Oh well, Pennsy didn't run 'em anyhow so it's a double-unprototypical.

But on a technical level, pretty amazing that they could make it go 'round such turns, huh?

I use two cures for that; 1). I run my railroad as a scenic one with trackage rights over the B&O. Takes care of why I'd have unusual and well kept steam. 2). I have on file a real life picture of a 72' passenger coach being taken around the real life equivilent of 18" radius curves, apparently some backshop street trackage in the city. I'll see if I can dig it up and post it.

There's a prototype for just about anything and plausibility gets stretched in real life all the time. Somewhere I even have a pic of a woodburner being pressed into passenger service in 1949, pulling streamlined cars, all because of the Holiday rush and a shortage of motive power.
Yeah, even the boiler on my Mantua 2-6-6-2 swings a little wide on 18" radius. But that won't stop me from using it!

In fact, my step-father-in-law has a video of a prototype steam engine running over the turn-outs at Steamtown. I can't remember for sure, but they had to run super slow or risk splitting the frog.

It was funny seeing this massive steamer crawling so slowly, with men walking beside it to make sure it stays on the rails.

Kinda makes you wish for a giant-sized 0-5-0 in case of trouble? :)
