UHU02 Space Station!


Senior Member
Jul 10, 2007
If you checked the Skeleton Warriors thread first you should already be sitting down so the only thing you need do now is go WOOHOO!


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Don't delete anything. That looks great to me. I have no problem with multiple Space Station V's coexisting in the world. We already have Martin Saenger's version of the finished station. Of course, we'll all wait with anticipation to see what UHU does with his. The "under construction" framework of the second wheel has always been the sticker for model concepts, I think. There are ways to make it work, but it does require some creativity.

Well we are definitely looking at an epic piece of engineering from UHU02.
From what I can make out we will be seeing a 30cm model of paper and perhaps wire for the frame work.As you can see from the 3d this is an amazing undertaking


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Just a quick update. UHU02 is working away on this epic piece of paper engineering the texturing is,I think, a very laborious task and UHU02's patience must be as incredible as his skill.UHU02 has put up a model of Barbarella's Spaceship for download.
As always a big thank you and respect to UHU02.


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Up for grabs at the moment over at UHU02's site, killer crab thingy from Venus in the film It conquered the Earth.A great fun model.


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OK after a long time in the design and texturing stages UHU02 has started his build of the space station and words fail me so here's a picture to be amazed by


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Couple more pictures of UHU02's space station build and as you can see it's not small!:)


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Wow, you're not kidding! That's awesome. That one pic of what looks like a collapsed rig all of a sudden comes to life. Incredible! :)
That is a PHENAMINAL piece of engineering and designing that you have there.
You truly are a MASTER designer and builder. My hat is off to you sensei.:inw:
UHU02, that is incredible! That looks like movie quality. I'd love to see you tackle a ST SpaceDock or Epsilon Nine someday.
This is definitely going to need an Orion space shuttle for a proper diorama.

Spokes and hubs in place.UHU02 should be in the dictionary under achieving the impossible with perfection,just incredible.:eek:


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Please don't tell me he uses Elmer's glue!

I think if UHU made an Obelisk, I'd be afraid to build it.!