turntable and yards?????????


Active Member
Jun 24, 2006
milton iowa
are they normaly next to each other, or are they not related to each other. i thought i wanted them next to each othr, but not so sure now.
Cannonball said:
I always thought the turntable put the engines/ cars out to the yards from the roundhouse?

truntables put the engines into the roundhouse. to park, or service them, as far as i know you dont see the cars on a turntable,,,, most you cant fit an engine and a car poth on one the same time.
I purchased a book a few months ago called The Model Railroader's Guide to Locomotive Servicing Terminals by Marty McGuirk from amazon, best Deisel and Steam Yard/facilities/operations setup overview I have read :thumb:
The turntable and the round house are normally seperate fron the rolling stock yards. They are dedicated to servicing the loomotives. Depending on what era you are modeling of course! Now it is cheaper to maintain switches than a turntable.
So I have been told by the CN guys here.

They were usually at or very near the yards as I remember. There is still a turntable in the yard in Missoula, MT but the roundhouse is long gone. I believe the turntable is still used occasionally to route a diesel off to a maintenance track. I imagine that local geography played a role in the location of turntables and maintenance facilities. They took up quite a bit of space.
i have a turntable here just waiting to go in somewhere, ,, but i dont know, maybe id be better off with a more modern service set up.
Turntables are still in use, Ozzy. The CSX built a new one within the last 8 years or so though where escapes me at the moment. With the large number of engines that I have, I've pondered a "hostler's layout" where engines are received, repaired, refueled and reassigned to new crews. The only cars would be MOW (something else I have a large number of), incoming sand, oil and fuel, coal as well for the steamers and empties of those same cars outgoing. With the two turntables and a transfer table that I already own, I'd have a dandy one at that.
I have 2 turntables, the primary one is Steam/Diesel freight only that has both steam/diesel operations and feeds into my main yard. The second turntable (smaller one) is Passenger only Diesel and feeds small sidings and a Station near a mountain range.
As well as roundhouses, turntables would be used at ends of branchlines and other destination points to turn locomotives. If space was tight they might end up near yards, but they'd need a good reason to turn something.
Major yards would have the engine facility and turntable nearby. Essentially the railroad set things up so a locomotive would bring the train in and drop it for the yard crew to break it up. Then the locomotive would go to the roundhouse for service. This is back in the day of steam. One reason that diesel replaced steam was the lower maintainance needs and costs. Now days diesels will bring the train in and be ready to go back out as soon as fluids are checke, fuel topped off, and maybe a wash. I guess the point is that the roundhouse and turntable should be near a yard, but not so close that the engine facilities get in the way of working the yard.
They are generally near the end of a yard along with all the rest of a locomotives service stuff.
Although this can change depending on the railroad. Some put it in the middle of nowhere not near anything in particular simply because they could. A roundhouse and turntable are simply parts of the service area of a railroad.
The turntable turns the locos [and sometimes other equipment] the roundhouse houses engines that near big repairs that can't be dome on the RIP track. A rip track means 'R'epair 'I'n 'P'lace.

They look cool and though some railroads had standards, if you make a narrow gauge [like I dod] and/or a freelance railroad then you can put it anyplace your little heart desires :D. Just like I did on mine. I have two by the way.

I hope that helps.