Trilateral Union Prowler


Active Member
Dec 15, 2006
South Eastern Idaho

The kind gentleman who designed this model was nice enough to talk me through recoloring the Prowler to match my Kirchner (the original color scheme is gray). I finished it up yesterday. As you can see, I need practice on making wheels. I sanded down all the edges, and ended up repainting them. I think next time I get a wild hair like that I'll add some tread to them before I do the painting. Because the hull has some large flat areas, I reinforced them with cereal box cardboard before I put it all together. Other than that, the turret, and the wheels, it's all straight from the printer.

I also took a couple of shots to show how I make my magnet-washer joints:


This is roof (upside down) the inside of the joint, under the weapons turret. The cylinder under the washer (above, when it's right side up) is just paper I wrapped around the magnet and glued together when it was the right circumference. I glued a piece of paper across the bottom of the stubby little cylinder it made, and glued the washer under that. I threw a couple of strips of paper over the washer and glued them to the inside of the roof to help hold it in place.

This is the topside, looking down into the socket where the magnet will fit.


And this is the magnet, which doubles as the turret's pin:


I couldn't resist using a bamboo barbeque skewer to make a shaft for the gun mount, so the guns can travers vertically as well. I capped each end with the shaft with a couple of small plastic disks, and painted them black.

And here it is in the linup. I was surprised it turned out a little smaller than the 6x6. It always looked so burly, I thought it would be bigger. ( build ideas...)



All in all, it was a fun little challenge.
I think that you did a really good job on it. I like your use of the cereal box for added strength.
Looking at the printed texture, I can see where I could greeble it, if I were to build it.
I really like your collection.
Thanks for the compliments. Especially from a master such as yourself!

I reinforce everything because I HATE warping, and I use them in tabletop wargames with my kids. So heavy duty and overkill are the norms.

It's hard not to greeble them every time I build one. That's what happened with the Jotun. One of these days I want to print 3 copies of something in color and try it. I'm just not sure which one I'll tackle next.
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Thanks for the compliments. Especially from a master such as yourself!

I reinforce everything because I HATE warping, and I use them in tabletop wargames with my kids. So heavy duty and overkill are the norms.

It's hard not to greeble them every time I build one. That's what happened with the Jotun. One of these days I want to print 3 copies of something in color and try it. I'm just not sure which one I'll tackle next.
If you need help or advice, I am willing to do all that I can to help (or at least point you in the right direction).
I look forward to seeing it and wish you the best of luck with it.
Ohhh....just wait til I get to the Thunder! BTW, have you ever built Paper-Replika's Hawk fighter? That was THE ship for me growing up, and since it matches everything else I'm building, I plan on getting it printed off one of these days.
Ohhh....just wait til I get to the Thunder! BTW, have you ever built Paper-Replika's Hawk fighter? That was THE ship for me growing up, and since it matches everything else I'm building, I plan on getting it printed off one of these days.
Are you talking about the Hawk Fighter for BRTC25 (season 2)?
There is one on
That's the one! I have it downloaded, but I wanted to practice on a few models and finish a project or two before I started it. Warhawk is the proper name. I forgot that, which is odd, since the IKV Warhawk is a black ops Klingon Bird of Prey I have sitting right above my desk...(Plastic, not paper)
I built it once. I liked it. It went together nicely and it was a fun and enjoyable build.
I hope that you will post a build thread. I look forward to seeing your build of it.
The kind gentleman who designed this model was nice enough to talk me through recoloring the Prowler to match my Kirchner (the original color scheme is gray). I finished it up yesterday. As you can see, I need practice on making wheels. I sanded down all the edges, and ended up repainting them. I think next time I get a wild hair like that I'll add some tread to them before I do the painting. Because the hull has some large flat areas, I reinforced them with cereal box cardboard before I put it all together. Other than that, the turret, and the wheels, it's all straight from the printer.

I also took a couple of shots to show how I make my magnet-washer joints:

This is roof (upside down) the inside of the joint, under the weapons turret. The cylinder under the washer (above, when it's right side up) is just paper I wrapped around the magnet and glued together when it was the right circumference. I glued a piece of paper across the bottom of the stubby little cylinder it made, and glued the washer under that. I threw a couple of strips of paper over the washer and glued them to the inside of the roof to help hold it in place.

This is the topside, looking down into the socket where the magnet will fit.

And this is the magnet, which doubles as the turret's pin:

I couldn't resist using a bamboo barbeque skewer to make a shaft for the gun mount, so the guns can travers vertically as well. I capped each end with the shaft with a couple of small plastic disks, and painted them black.

And here it is in the linup. I was surprised it turned out a little smaller than the 6x6. It always looked so burly, I thought it would be bigger. ( build ideas...)

All in all, it was a fun little challenge.


I see that you're a fan of Genet Models as well.:) They have some pretty neat models on that site. Great Job. :Bravo: I especially like what you've done with the turret. :King:

Thanks for the tip on the treads. I'll try to do that when I get around to building it.

Thanks for sharing!

Sky Seeker
Excellent collection, especially being scratch built. Real talent there, there's no hiding that! :)
I haven't printed it yet. I actually do all my printing at Kinko's. Better results, and it doesn't take all the ink out of my little desktop printer.

But with that advice, I think I'll go see what I have in my change jar (Kinko's is actually much cheaper if you bring your own paper, BTW)