Track Radius

jesso said:
Sounds like it might be the 9 3/4 radius track. Kato makes some that is smaller, but they only recommend it for shorter stuff. My N scale layout is all 9 3/4.
I find it interesting that it would only be 9-3/4 considering it's a passenger set. The cars seem to run on it pretty well though. Now if the engine wasn't a piece of junk I'd be in business.
Sets almost always come with 9-3/4" radius. They aren't worried about if it is what is going to look best, or what you 'should' use.

baldwinjl said:
Sets almost always come with 9-3/4" radius. They aren't worried about if it is what is going to look best, or what you 'should' use.

As long as everything stays on the track, it looks fine to me. :D
Oops this is in the N/Z section, but the same still apllies:thumb:

As with all modelrailroading, there is no guidelinessign1
Atlas 22 radius is measured from just inside the inside rail, not centerline. Try laying out a 18 and 22 radius circle using a yard stick, nail and pencil, then assemble your circles of track and see just how close they are. The old tyco stuff, if mixed with AHM or Bachmann, wouldnt line up.:thumb: