To Introduce The A & T RR


Nov 2, 2003
El Paso, TX
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:) Gentlemen,

This looks like a great forum! There are so many out there that one could spend all of their “hobby time” punching stuff into forums. Since I like to run trains, operate and work on my railroad I thought I’d pick a forum and stick with it for a while. On the other hand I also find forums interesting and fun so here I am - at “The Gauge”. My railroad is a mythical short line between Alpine and Terlingua, TX (75miles +/-). It is set in the 1920's and is ALL steam. It interchanges with the Southern Pacific at Alpine. The main sources of traffic are lumber, cinnabar (mercury), livestock, and general merchandise. I’ve been a model rail since the days of “Varney” ( you chronologically challenged modelers will know what that means).
Hi Cinibar!
Welcome aboard!
Glad you found your way over here!

I've seen pictures of your layout, & can honestly say that it is a true masterpiece!
You need to post some pictures...I think you'll get a lot more response here, than over at that "other place". :cool: ;) :)
Welcome aboard! Based on Charlie's comments it seems like your reputation as a modeler preceeds you! Looking forward to seeing pics of your layout some time. Nice to have you join us.
Welcome to the Gauge Cinnibar
I used to go through many railroad forums but now call the Gauge home. Great people joining together to help and inspire each other to build our layouts and to enjoy the fruits of each others skills.
Welcome to the-gauge mercury man, I mean cinnabar :D :D :D

The-gauge is the forum for many of us. There are great people here, no flame wars, and all good work is praised rather than ignored. I'm sure you'll fit right in and have a ball. We have people ranging from beginners to the real pros who have been published over and over. And all are equally welcome and equally important. I consider it home.

Now, I'll second the motion for pics!:D :D :D

What a welcome! Thanks to all and you’ve got “Charlie” to blame for getting me here! I’m looking forward to being part of it all! So far I’ve seen some really nice stuff. I checked out the instructions to post pictures and I’m afraid they sorta went by like a breeze just above my head. If it’s much past “browse and double click” I’m lost. Could somebody help? But again, thanks for the welcome! :D
Well, let me add my welcome! Yes, and please do post pictures of your work. I would have to agree about this forum being my home. I've tried others and I have encountered either elitist snobs, sexists or grumpy old men. Welcome aboard!!!