Titanic build in progress

Excellent build Pete. Thanks for sharing it with us. I've been wanting to build this model myself and also thought about scaling it up. Seeing how well yours turned out I'll definitely be building this one.

Keep those builds coming...

Glad you like her Steve. Yes she's worth building and with a comment on the missing davits made by someone, i've up-scaled her once more and will post the results. Regards. Pete. P.S did you get the Fireball XL5 model made?
Nice job Pete, she scaled up really well from quite a small kit. How's about taking a few steps back and giving us some pictures of the whole Beastie with the back drop for the full effect. I don't think she really needs the little robot dogs from Battlestar Galatica for the lifeboats, they were Davits weren't they?. Glad your feeling better SSsssssssoooooooo WHATS NEXT?
Hiya Phil. Yes she did upscale well, and she's being upscaled again :eek: and the davits and other detail will be added :twisted:. When i get chance i will set another photo scene and post it for your delight. Regards. Pete.
A comment was made about "the lack of detail and the Davits" thanks for that too because it as spurred me on to do something else
Way to go Pete. That is what I like to hear.It is always nice to hear compliments but if we never hear constructive criticism (and I do mean constructive not destructive or demoralizing) we never advance. By setting the bar higher and higher you will soon be a master modeler like many here at the forum. Looking forward to your future work.
I remember once someone noticed a glue spot that I thought wouldn't show in the pictures, another commented on some jonts that weren't perfect. I was actually moved to work harder to produce near perfect results. I haven't achieved that yet, but I keep working towards that goal. My fellow modelers (at least those who take the time to post) have done as much to get me where I am now than anything else.
Actually it was a coal bin fire. They were common in those days. Since coal is an organic product it heats up when exposed to pressure and moisture. Then couple that with the pressure of the shear tons of weight in those bins sometimes they would spontaneously combust, usually near the bottom of the pile. So they could often ignore them as they were considered more of a nusance than a saftey hazard. So the reports that it contributed to the sinking are grossly exaggerated in my opinion. That is not to say that when out of control they can't cause serious damage. Because they can when ignored or left un attended. They were very diffucult to extinguish. There is no evidence the fire ever reached that level of concern. Well that is my little bit of trivia for what it is worth.

I stand (actually sit) corrected. The controversial theory about the fire deals more with the premise that the Titanic was "drawing down" the smoldering coal in coal bunker #6 at a swift pace (in order to get rid of it safely in the boilers instead) and that the engineers had no choice but to steam full ahead through an iceberg field to vent the pressurized steam. Which makes me wonder why they didn't have a gigantic blow-off valve for that purpose - but oh well.

So, although the burning coal probably didn't do any structural damage to the ship per se, it may have caused it indirectly.


N and Z scale Old West paper models (free samples) and the (almost) famous Ping Pong Ball Cannon at http://www.paperbeam.com
A lot attention has been focused on to the rivets of late the theory being that the heads were ripped of due to casting imperfections causing the damage to be far more severe then it would of been otherwise but much like Roswell and JFK there seems to be a different theory everyday in the end I think many things conspired to make the tragic event come to pass. As a bit of useless trivia there was one lady, her name escapes me that was on and survived the sinking of all 3 of the sisters Titanic, Britannic and Olympic.
My mistake ,sorry it was the Olympics collision wih HMS Hawke in 1911 that the lady, Violet Jessop a stewardess and nurse survived later surviving the Titanic and Britannic sinkings.
Sorry for Delay

Hi everyone. Sorry for the delay in the new and improved and bigger Titanic model... I am having a few health problems at the moment and it's slowing everything down!:cry: i am doing small amounts to the new build and will upload some pics soon :thumb:. Regards to all. Pete :wave:
Take your time and sort your health out Pete, I'm sure we can wait for the Super Titanic, for a while anyway, a little bit at least, a day or two, is it done yet?
Hope you get well soon.

Hi everyone. Many many thanks for your well wishes. I'm on the up now at long last :thumb: Stay tuned folks... the new TITANIC will be here for you within the next few days... Fingers crossed you like her. Regards. Pete. :wave:
Welcome back Pete.:wave: If the new model is only half as good as the other one it will still be four times as good as anything I can do:mrgreen:.Glad your on your feet again Mate Merry non denominational joy joy gift get day!!:winter1:
Titanic 2 - The Sequel

Hi there friends. Well here's the new Titanic... She is now 35" long and i have put the detail up a notch or two on my last attempt. Please remember i'm into ROCKETS and i gave this my best shot illness held things up a wee bit. I do hope you all like her... I will go and hide behind the settee while you give her your overall. Enjoy. Regards. Pete. :mrgreen:


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Titanic 2 - The Sequel continued

Titanic 2 continued... :wave:


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Well Suppose it's alright Pete, if you like stunningly gorgeous ship models that is...And I do another great build mate...