Think Jays Galactica is lonely, need some help

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ill get started this evening on astral queen. got a lotta projects going.although sometimes i cant focus on anything especiallya fter 2 days with only 3 hours sleep.
I remember what that's like. My hobbies went on long term hold when we had kids. Difficult to get models done for the first few months eh?
Cloud 9????!!!! I thought you were doing Celstra? I had no idea that SJ had got the Cloud9 ready.
It's not there yet. Must be going through moderation. How did you tackle the dome for the large version? It wasn't modelled the way I would have, the wireframe looked awkward.
Nothing, I've tried to download the Cloud9. It seems you uploaded the PDFs unzipped? I wondered if you may be able to email it to me(the large one)? Reason being, I'm still on dial-up so opening PFDs online can take quite a while, especially the way dial-up connection reliability is going these days?

When you get time though, no rush. :)
You're welcome. Credit for that one though goes to Nothing and SJSquirrel. I had nothing to do with it. :)
Me neither!

You're welcome. Credit for that one though goes to Nothing and SJSquirrel. I had nothing to do with it. :)

I didn't have anything to do with it either. Nothing did that one all on his own.

Nothing, Let's keep in touch via email so we can coordinate efforts. I don't want to duplicate efforts and there's lots of ships to do. I have been working on the Celestra mesh, and I had no idea you were tackling Cloud 9.
I'll stop working on the Celestra and leave it to you unless I hear otherwise.

In fact, if you want to take on the rest..... sign1

I agree. This is a team effort buddy. :) I'd happily tackle them all but we're in it together right??
i didnt realize yalled get upset. im sorry.i dont know how the blender mesh compares with the game meshes.i have a hard time building right now and was just tryin to stay busy.the long nights would drive me batty if i dont do something. my celestra is a blender file also. ill let Sj finish it scince he started it.
I've not seen it yet. I asked earlier for a copy from you as opening up PDFs online takes a long time for us dial-up users. I assumed also that it was first from SJ, then that you were going solo when SJ chirped in.

I'll stick with SJ and the fleet pack, I prefer the textures to other BSG meshes I've seen. That and pretty much every ship from the series is in there.

Sorry if I stepped on any toes buddy. :)
Just read your other 2 posts. You haven't offended me at all. I have other things going on my list too but right now I can't get out of BSG mode. :)

I personally can't wait to first get hold of the Liner models that SJ is unfolding!! Exciting things there. After that I really want to do the Pegasus and Galactica. I have space set aside for those bad boys in my cabinet. ;) I know though that the plan is to do everything that hasn't yet been done by Jaybats.

I also have a few ideas for when we get to the revamped Vipers.
All these new BSG models are excellent, but has anyone had a go at an original cylon basestar, within the last couple of months. I've got a new series base star but not an 'old' one.
I remember reading someone somewhere talking about doing one. Sorry, can't remember who or where though. I'd imagine modelling it would be simple enough, textures are what make a model though. :)
I had a plastic (sorry about the bad language) model of the old base star a while ago, but I no longer have it. Could have used that for textures.
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