The new guy...


New Member
Nov 6, 2007
north central Iowa
Hello folks! Have been looking at the site off and on for a while so thought I'd join up. Interesting reads on the sight and I am overwhelmed by the "brain power" contained in it. I just took up HO about a year ago due to the need to slow it down a bit. Ya know, falling off of motorcycles hurts more now when a guy gets older!. Anyway, at 48, I thought a peaceful hobby like model railroading would keep me at home more and sure does wonders for your sanity. I'm not too big on posting, so don't feel bad if I don't contribute much. [I'd rather do, than say!] Thanks- scrat
Scrat, its great to have you join us! I have no problem with you posting infrequently but I am a little dubious about 48 being "older".

Ralph (Another child of 1959) :)
Thanks, Ralph. Just saying that at 48, the body starts to sound like a bowl of Rice Krispies when you get out of bed every morning..SNAP!CRACKLE!POP!
Hello Scrat! You mention falling off of motorcycles. Did you race motocross by chance?

Welcome to The Gauge, glad you found us!
Yes, wpyr, an HO fan. A friend of mine where I work got me started. He's been at it since he was young. Basically told me that HO is the most popular and common, but I'm a fan of all gauges. Father-in-law has a TON of S gauge. Nomad, I'll be on from time to time to time, asking the "dumb beginner" questions! And Gary, I used to drag a big bore Suzuki, but living out in the country as a younger guy [with no cerebral activity], we used to off-road Enduro bikes a lot. Sliding sideways into trees and making jumps into rock piles back then has taken a toll on the bones now. But it sure was fun!
Yep, the dirt bikes were alot of fun. I raced MX for a few years, was never really any good, but it was a great experience. Luckily I never broke anything!
The only thing I really broke while on bikes was my bank account, Gary. This hobby will allow me to at least spend less and enjoy it more without the misery of bruises. Unless I'm staring directly at a speeding loco derail off of a curve and get smacked in the eye, it's a safer one too!
Yes, wpyr, an HO fan. A friend of mine where I work got me started. He's been at it since he was young. Basically told me that HO is the most popular and common, but I'm a fan of all gauges. Father-in-law has a TON of S gauge. Nomad, I'll be on from time to time to time, asking the "dumb beginner" questions! And Gary, I used to drag a big bore Suzuki, but living out in the country as a younger guy [with no cerebral activity], we used to off-road Enduro bikes a lot. Sliding sideways into trees and making jumps into rock piles back then has taken a toll on the bones now. But it sure was fun!
I`ve never heard of S gauge.