Texas & Carolina


Sep 5, 2006
Richardson, Texas
Ok boys and girls, after over a year of researching and planning I think I finally have reached a decision for my N scale trackplan. It is basically a plan I found on one of the old threads called the Riverway, I think originally in an old MRR issue. After multiple attempts at designing my own, it's best for my first effort to be a proven plan with a few of my own additions.

The plan is not to scale, I will adapt the plan to my benchwork - an L-shape 98'' across the back, 65'' down the left side and 30'' wide all around.

I need to keep it simple, with block wiring on the spurs using DC cab control, running no more than 2 engines at any one time.

I need help to finalize this plan. Hopefully someone out there can help me with elevation changes. I would like for the plan to include a tunnel and bridge, but don't know the best place for it.

I am open to all suggestions, don't hold back, I know you won't sign1


  • T&C Trackplan.jpg
    T&C Trackplan.jpg
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Hey, I really like it. I am usually partial to point-to-point layouts, but your loop is disguised well. And I very much like your choice of the Texas & Carolina. Very nice.
Hey, I really like it. I am usually partial to point-to-point layouts, but your loop is disguised well. And I very much like your choice of the Texas & Carolina. Very nice.
Thanks Gary, I like it too. I tried designing my own, but found it frustrating, so I stole this one fair and squaresign1
Richard,that is a good trackplan, but from an operations standpoint, I would move the passing track to the front, that way you can also use it as a runaround track. That will shorten the sidings a tad, but I think operations will be better.

Richard,that is a good trackplan, but from an operations standpoint, I would move the passing track to the front, that way you can also use it as a runaround track. That will shorten the sidings a tad, but I think operations will be better.

Stupid Question #1 - Do you mean move the passing track to the inside of the loop or do you mean move it entirely to the front of the layout??:confused:
I would move it to the inside of the mainline track in front. That way it will serve triple duty as a runaround track, yard lead and passing track. That would also leave your mainline well defined. I hope I explained this right, if not I can redraw it for you.

Richard, my skills at paint are not to good, but this is my idea. The yellow line I added. And then you would not need the other track in back.


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    T&C Trackplan.jpg
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I would move it to the inside of the mainline track in front. That way it will serve triple duty as a runaround track, yard lead and passing track. That would also leave your mainline well defined. I hope I explained this right, if not I can redraw it for you.

I'm sure you have explained it right. I am severely challenged at this whole thing. I cannot change this trackplan as I only have Paint to play with. So if you're willing, I'm begging for all help...
I like Loren's idea also. It will put all the operations right there on the front of the layout so uncoupling and switching is accessible from the same side. Good catch, Loren!
Forgive the crudeness, but how about this? Remember, nothing's to scale and I am making real time adjustments on the bench as I go, this is a general plan...


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    T&C Trackplan.jpg
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I would move it to the inside of the mainline track in front. That way it will serve triple duty as a runaround track, yard lead and passing track. That would also leave your mainline well defined. I hope I explained this right, if not I can redraw it for you.

Wow, I didn't even know I HAD a runaround track, yard lead and passing track!!!!sign1sign1sign1
That is it ! All you have to do is take the turnout off the mainline that leads to the yard-industry, and move it to the runaround track. The idea is, if your switching in the yard, you won't pull out and block the main.

Sorry for the double post.
Richard, you have picked a good track plan:thumb:. There is a lot of room for growth later on. For instance, you could put a siding down the back for a station and have a commuter. And the way it would be now, you can run 2 trains like you want, or you can run a train and switch the yard and industries at the same time. The more i look at it the more i like it.

Richard, my skills at paint are not to good, but this is my idea. The yellow line I added. And then you would not need the other track in back.

What about a come and go design? Do you have access to the back portion of the layout? You could use this for holding and staging, and would add a lot to the operational nature of the layout.