Terminator T-800


New Member
Feb 22, 2010
Has anyone attempted to do a T-800?
if not I can help, I own a production cast T-800 that I acquired from Profiles in History auction, I can take dems for anyone
Actualy, Riddick did a Terminator endoskeleton full size (1:1 scale) of the over at PM. Here is the link to the thread.


I have to say that it looks really good.

I had seen that, and I'm sure there are others, but unless I missed it, this was a one-of scratchbuild and wasn't released as a kit. Do you know if they plan on making it available? I think I'll send them an email and ask.

I had seen that, and I'm sure there are others, but unless I missed it, this was a one-of scratchbuild and wasn't released as a kit. Do you know if they plan on making it available? I think I'll send them an email and ask.

I really have no idea, if they are planning to release it as a kit.
Yeah me too! Although the temptation to sleep with a plasma rifle beside my bed would be overwhelming; especially with red LED eyes fitted...