Taking freelance too far?

brakie said:
Well,where does your short line start and end? I might be able to throw some names out if you're are interested.

Hmm, well...I'm not sure yet. The layout I'm building (described the the MR book "An N Scale Model Railroad That Grows") has room for the following: A small town w/ passenger station, a small yard/service area, and a mining operation. The mine built in the book is for gold, which won't do me any good considering the timeframe and location I want to model (Ohio in the 1950s). However, I would very much like to build a small coal mining operation.

I've been a bit busy lately, but I want to do some research on coal mining in Ohio (I know it's a viable industry here) and other small types of mining. My layout will be 40"x60", so I don't have room for typical coal operation. I also have to look around and see what types of structures will fit. I'd hate to build the thing only to find that what I want doesn't fit.

I guess that doesn't answer your question, does it? I'm not partial to any name in particular, though I have made up a cool looking logo with the letters WN while playing around in PhotoShop. Norwalk, Ohio has a lot of ties to the Nickel Plate Road. Wauseon & Norwalk Railroad had crossed my mind.
2-8-2,The coal fields is located in the Southern and South-Eastern part of the state.I would opt for a mine to power plant loads in/empties out and place the mine and power plant in the same area of the layout but,separated by a hill or view block that way when you shove the loads into the power plant they end up as loads at the mine and visa versa...Another thought would be a stone quarry since there are lots of stone quarries(National Lime & Stone comes to mind) in the area you wish to model.

A lot can be done in N Scale on a 40"x60", area if its planed right.Now a thought cross my mind..Do you have the space for a 36"x72" hollow core door?

I like Wauseon & Norwalk Railroad name..It has a ring to it and sounds railroady. :D
Yes, I have space for 36x72. The only reason I mentioned 40x60 is that was the size required for the layout in the book. The book shows you how to build the entire layout step-by-step. It isn't one that features several layouts to choose from, there's only the one. It seemed very beginner friendly, so that's what I went with. Nothing is set in stone however.
2-8-2,I would go with the door because you can have a much better layout length wise and only losing 4" from the width...My thoughts is you could use one of the corners for a mine/power plant loads in empties out and still have room for a small yards,town and other industries.
The Wauseon & Norwalk Railroad is born! Just a recap/elaboration on the first post:

I'm modeling Ohio in the early 1950s, as diesel begins to replace steam. Geographically, the rail system is located in northern Ohio, just below Lake Erie. Draw a line between Toledo and Cleveland, and you'll have a pretty good idea of where the W & N is located.

The W & N will share trackage with the Nickel Plate Road, as it runs along this route as well. Norwalk, Ohio was pressing hard for the NKP yard, though the city of Bellevue ended up getting it. My freelanced road gives Norwalk the railroad they almost had. The Lake Erie & Western, New York Central, Wheeling & Lake Erie, and others can all be tied into trackage at this location. Stretching from Cleveland to Toledo to Wauseon and all points west, I think I have a realistic railroad that "couldv'e been." In addition to being an interchange point, alternate route, and additional motive power to these other railroads, the W & N can pull its own weight serving local industry.

How's that? I'm very interested in your thoughts and ideas!
I will run some NKP equipment on my rails, and others will have my own roadname on them.

Seems to me its been done by a guy named Tony Koester...............editor of Railraod Model craftsman for a few years and contributing editor at Model railroader and Editor of Model Railroad planning for many more.
I'd say you are in some good company ;)