Summer Cottage

Hows this for Scratchin' :thumb: :thumb: :cool: :cool:

Now that Mom has her 'kitchen addition' and a place to sit and read, she just needs to find some nice flowers to plant.

If only we could get Dad to put his boots 'nicely' by the door :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Oh yes,....BTW... it is real dirt in the window box;) ;) ;)


  • ac cottage2024.jpg
    ac cottage2024.jpg
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Thanks very much everyone,

I really enjoyed building this structure, allthough it took about two weeks. It is completely scratch built. The main building is cardstock with a numerous paper brick veneers. The kitchen addition is stick built, as well as the porch. There is paper shingles on the main house, tar paper on the addition and just a 1X10 wood roof on the porch.

EZ, as I said the structure is completely scratch built and it is in HO.

Robin, I really spent some time on the porch details, took me a day just for the boots :mad: The rocking chair and table were made from .025 and .035 styrene rod. The screen door was just a piece of left over screen from a BTS model. The book is just a piece of thin cardstock sliced in half. You can't see it but I wrote a title on the book cover:cool: :cool: (Holy Bible). The glass is filled with milk.

I'm not sure what to plant, but it would have to have a very small root system ;) ;) ;) ;) :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

jmarksbery, It is kind of funny that I chose a cat, we own 11 dogs, with not a cat around for miles LOL

Thanks again everyone!
