Sulaco re size


New Member
May 8, 2014
Does anyone know if it would be possible to build the already fantastic Sulaco papercraft at a larger size?
I was thinking maybe having it printed in A1 or A0 size. Trouble is the paper is only 200 gsm.
Anyone know if its possible to do this project or would gravity be too much for the piece?
LARGER? :eek: >GASP!<

Holy, that's bold! ;)

Well if I would tackle such a project, I would reinforce all box-shaped parts with corrugated card glued to the back sides of the part.
Do you know how big that ship is without blowing it up to a large size?
i like big ships.....but that ship even scary :)

i do at my models much with normal corrugated card...then glue the nice kellogsbox cardboard...and there the skin-print...

For your idea....i think i would even go to balsawood that large it will become.
But watch larger the ship becomes..also the little problems become bigger..
fun part is that you can extend the details.

when you start please make a thread here...that i'm going to follow :)
I really want to go epic on this. The standard Sulaco size is about 175cm I think.
This is a build that I need to plan for. At the moment I'm debating to start my 6 ft 5 Gundam Unicorn build.
So while I'm doing that I can plan out for the Sulaco.
I think if it was printed out at A0 size it would be monsterous!! lol
For sure. But it would look pretty darn awesome!!
Its on the cards to be built but it really is a monster project.
hum...i have a large house..
and can handle large models...
but even i can't handle a ship THAT large :)

but when you size up the model that have to redo the details....
because they will (i think) look cheezy when enlarged....standard size it looks great. (same problems with my snowspeeder) an i blown it up to A1 scale.

i wouldn't go any larger then A3...that is doulble thesize double the trouble.... and a ship if 3.5 metre.

BUT with that size you will be able to do things that could not be done is the 'small' size...
open windows / doors....cockpits ....that would be fun

but amaze us with this project!
I would not use Balsa,I would use Luan wood panels. Balsa would soak up too much moisture and warp after a while, the Luan paneling won't. It would be much cheaper too! :)
I would not use Balsa,I would use Luan wood panels. Balsa would soak up too much moisture and warp after a while, the Luan paneling won't. It would be much cheaper too! :)

Will look into the Luan panels, never thought of that lol.
I must say, no matter HOW you do it, but DO it! I'd love to see that build! This would become the largest paper model in the world and could be a ground-breaking project. But please tell me one thing:

Where do you want to put it when it is ready?

(OK, you may turn it into a tree house or a barn...:):):))
I must say, no matter HOW you do it, but DO it! I'd love to see that build! This would become the largest paper model in the world and could be a ground-breaking project. But please tell me one thing:

Where do you want to put it when it is ready?

(OK, you may turn it into a tree house or a barn...:):):))

Not sure yet. lol The main issue is losing detail from the texture when it gets done on A1-0.
Dnalor said maybe A3, but I don't think it would that epic though.
What do you guys think?
I think you should put it in Orbit!! :)
So if it was printed on A3 it would be 3.5 meters?

No it won't. DIN A3 is double the surface of DIN A4, but enlarching A4 to A3 means enlarging by 41,1 percent, not 200 percent. So length-wise a SULACO enlarged to A3 would be approx. 2,50 meters long (Skoda did it). If you want to double the length of the final model you have to double the length of both sides of the printing sheet - so you have to upscale it to A2 to get a 3,5 meter long one.
I scaled up the model ship "Lilla Weneda to 200% of it's original size. 8 pages of parts turned into 27 pages. I Photoshoped as much as I could to keep parts whole. :)
Well I think that I A3 I formed pretty crazy:)

I did Sulaco polepil cardboard got a pretty solid stronghold

Doing this would Sulaco more it with balsa if it were larger

and i was tuning the boat
No it won't. DIN A3 is double the surface of DIN A4, but enlarching A4 to A3 means enlarging by 41,1 percent, not 200 percent. So length-wise a SULACO enlarged to A3 would be approx. 2,50 meters long (Skoda did it). If you want to double the length of the final model you have to double the length of both sides of the printing sheet - so you have to upscale it to A2 to get a 3,5 meter long one.

Cool, well money permitting, it will be next project. Probably gonna go A1.