Suggestions on New Loco!!!


New Member
Dec 29, 2006
As I must take a break from the layout for a few days, I want to take the time and look into some new power consists. As of right now I am looking at Kato and Athearn. I would like something along the lines of an SD70MAC or an AC4400. Any suggestions/experiences would be greatly appriciated. Thanks! (Oh yeah, I have 18" curves if that matters)
I haven't had either,but I did buy a Tower 55 model and the suggested mininum radius for the larger 6-axel engines is 22" I believe.

Yea that is going to matter. The bigger loco need to have atleast a 22 Deg turn. Thay just wont make the 18 deg to well. I know i have some protos SD's and thay dont like the small 18 Deg turns. i had to take out some of the side tracks and make them wider so the loco could take them.
I have two SD40-2 Snoots that make the 18" turns fine (well, it would be better if it were 22", but they can make it without derailment). Is the SD40-2 different from the two I am looking at?
Chrisdapos said:
I have two SD40-2 Snoots that make the 18" turns fine (well, it would be better if it were 22", but they can make it without derailment). Is the SD40-2 different from the two I am looking at?

Even though they both use 6-axel trucks,the ones you have mentioned you are looking at are quite a bit larger so that may cause some problems on an 18" curve.

I think the two you are looking at are longer than the sd40-2 and have more overhang as well. I would guess that the only 6 axle locomotive that is longer than your sd40-2 that MIGHT work on 18 inch radius is a sd45. I think you are either going to have to come up with space for a biggger radius, or become more of a period modeler. The really modern big equipment just won't work on a smaller radius than 22.
My Athearn AC4400 does my 19.5" curves fine. Looks dumb on the curves, runs well. The 9 pin JST plug is awesome, as it makes installing a decoder SUPER easy!!! The detail and such are awesome, and at a show they are like $70, a lot less than Kato!

Well heck, since you model Bunsuf, you really oughta get an SD70MAC. BN was the first railroad to receive those, and for the longest time the Grinstein green-and-cream Executive paintscheme was the face of BN.

Kato's SD70MAC is a real nice looker, and it comes in either BN or Bunsuf paint. :thumb:
Well some of the loco mite take a 18 deg turn, but the two Proto sd9 i have wont make them very good. most of the time it take the front axle off the track. Mite be my set up on track. but the reast of the four axle loco run throught there like a brezze.
i might suggest something smaller like a GP38-2. they usually do all the switching and such for industries and stuff. 6 axle engines usually pull trains between yards and distribution points. the smaller guys make the deliveries.

I do have an Athearn Genisis SD75M that i like. Its pretty good, and they are unique locomotives for ATSF/BNSF
As for the track, if there is any tiny bump in it, the front truck will pop off, and this is how I found an issue in my track, as the truck would bump off, and then derail on the next turout. The reason is that by using a 6 axle diesel on 19.5" radius curves (in my case), there was tremendous pressure on the wheel flanges, and they could not ride up off the track momentarily and come back down still on the track.

The SD40-2's are starting to get used as yard switchers and helpers in very large operations, like North Platte. The GP series locos would be great for switching though, especially as a 2 unit MU. If you want widecabs, though, you are pretty much out of luck, other than the awkward-looking GP60M.
I can't get any of my SD40-2's to take 18's. It's mostly the leade wheel on both the front and back trucks that jump because of the lack of side play and/or turning play. If I can't get those to run then I surely can't get anything bigger to. Besides running long 6 axle units on anything less than 22" just looks bad.
trainnut65 said:
Well some of the loco mite take a 18 deg turn, but the two Proto sd9 i have wont make them very good. most of the time it take the front axle off the track. Mite be my set up on track. but the reast of the four axle loco run throught there like a brezze.

really? my p2k SD7 runs fine on 18", and i'm fairly sure they are the same size.

No problems with SD40s or any other 3 axel locomotives on my 18 inch track either. If i wanted to, i could run my SD75M and AC4400CW with no trouble...
Are either of those available in HO? It just seems that any widecab with four axles looks very awkward. Like it got chopped off or something. There are some Alcos as well, I think, that also look pretty strange. Like C424 or something. :D
Yep, i've seen all of them at one time or another. those C424s run out here on the SRRNJ ( Southern Railroad of New Jersey). They came from Iowa i think. They have a bizarre black EL scheme ( same stripes and shapes except black instead of gray). they are pretty cool.
Atlas does have a B40-8W in HO yep.. They even have the version with the gullwing cab shell (I think ATSF asked for gullwings). Very nice-running loco that one is. I got the spartan-cab B40-8 in Susquehanna and Conrail colors.

The GP40-2LW isn't available RTR.. But it's relatively easy to come up with one-- Grab an Athearn BB GP40-2, chop off the entire front end, and put on the Detail Associates #3604 Canadian comfort cab. The Canadian units are really unique-looking and no RTR unit can get all the details right anyway, like the unique bends in the handrails, the snow shields, winterization hatches, and cab-mounted bell, etc. Makes a great kitbashing project. :thumb:
maybe i saw it in brass or someone's work. it was a canadian locomotive, so i wasn't initially interested, but it was one of those GP40s.

if i had known, i might have bought and sold it on ebay!