
Hi Mick glad you got away I had to suffer the whole gruelling torture made worse by my wife helpfully telling me who they were what they did and where they did itwall1 on the whole I think a evening with U.F.O would have been preferable. Interceptors,Skydiver and Gabrielle Drake..Bliss This might give you some inspiration. If not then the lovely LT Gay Ellis should!:twisted:

Steady chaps.... i say steady.... eye candy on here :twisted: what is the thread coming to ? more sir, more sir.... oh very yes sign1 Meanwhile at paperville...........................umm :cool:
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Hi Mick. Go steady with that DON'T do what you know you shouldn't be doing... those guys suggesting it need to re-think what they are asking you to do :nope: . Very nice to hear you are going to be making the SHADO mobile she's a nice looking vehicle for sure - will you post results for us all to enjoy please ? pretty please ? Hope you have got over the T.V torture my friend, we watched it but i was cutting out and glueing at the time so it went pretty quick {although i quite like the awards - yes i know..:nope: } Take care matey. Regards. Pete :wave:
Hi Pete, hope the shoulders getting better, the bosses hired me a 1 ton engine hoist, and it only took five and a half hours to get one piece of work into the oven:p.My job is normally powder coating parts for the aerospace industry and normally i think i have got one of the best jobs on the planet. I'm looking forward to starting on the mobile and getting back into modelling myself, instead of just drooling over other people's buildssign1, and of course i will be posting piccy's
best wishes

Hi Mick glad you got the hoist to do the job with although you could just powder coat my motorbike frame,thats much lighter:mrgreen:....No Ho hum worth a try. Look forward to seeing the build Mate and of course being able to do this to you and Pete.....Is it done yet? any pictures? wheres the pictures?..... yeah I'm looking forward to thatsign1.I'm concentrating on Marvin at the moment as my Son has expressed an interest in having him.The state of play so far.TSR2 has sadly falling victim once again to the foul horde of Government.
All the best Mate take care of the ticker.


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Phil, you would never believe how many motorbike frames and parts i have coated:eek:, yet i have never got round to doing my own:cry:. I know how it is with the furry beasties, we have just inherited another one, thats 3 now and they all love paper modelswall1. The ticker is doing quite well at the moment thanks, three heart attacks and unstable angina all by the age of 44, you can guess what my younger days where like:mrgreen:. I had an angiagram at 41 and when i went into the theatre i saw the crash cart and wondered if they ever had to use it, an hour later they had used it on me twice:p, when i came out of the hospital i couldn't do much and spent all my time on the net, thats how i found card models, never looked back since:thumb::thumb:

take care mate

those reds in goverment are the nasty ones , here's "monkey" also a real model killer (and rc heli's) :mrgreen:
Looking good your Incredibleness:inw: you must be spending all your time on this to get this far this quickly with such a complex shape any chance of a TB 3 to dock with it if you ever get the time


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Hi Mick glad you got the hoist to do the job with although you could just powder coat my motorbike frame,thats much lighter:mrgreen:....No Ho hum worth a try. Look forward to seeing the build Mate and of course being able to do this to you and Pete.....Is it done yet? any pictures? wheres the pictures?..... yeah I'm looking forward to thatsign1.I'm concentrating on Marvin at the moment as my Son has expressed an interest in having him.The state of play so far.TSR2 has sadly falling victim once again to the foul horde of Government.
All the best Mate take care of the ticker.

Now then now then what's all this then ? are you trying to say we hastle you my old mate... as if... tut tut sign1 Sorry to hear of the TSR2 tragedy ! Cats hey, who'd have em ? well you have.. i have.. Mick has and a whole lot of others too and thier liking for the paper seems a strange thing in these animals :cry: The models are coming along mate ! is that the start to Stingray 2 ? i haven't done anymore to my build yet because i'm hooked on the motorbike engine at the moment... i will post a pic when done on your thread here if that's o'k... :confused: it doesn't seem worth starting a new thread just for that. Marvin looks cool - excuse my ignorance, but what is it from ? Also the Terror Fish is going well i see, you really have alot on the go my friend.
Hi Pete, hope the shoulders getting better, the bosses hired me a 1 ton engine hoist, and it only took five and a half hours to get one piece of work into the oven:p.My job is normally powder coating parts for the aerospace industry and normally i think i have got one of the best jobs on the planet. I'm looking forward to starting on the mobile and getting back into modelling myself, instead of just drooling over other people's buildssign1, and of course i will be posting piccy's
best wishes

Good to hear they got that for you and you are o'k mate. Sorry to hear of your heart problem, i take many tablets a week to keep mine working efficiently - 1982 nearly saw me out and ever since i have treated every day as a bonus. Will be great to see your builds coming to life. You take great care of yourself... it seems this place we all meet up in is a place where those with ill health take great joy from there hobbies {not that everyone on Zealot are ill that is} Making things is very relaxing and good for the soul.:thumb:
Marvin comes from the Looney Tunes cartoons and later became the baddie in the Daffy Duck Duck Dodgers cartoons. He has a dog called K9


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Hi Pete, I reckon we are all getting old and fit for the knacker's yard, and this is the only place left that will have ussign1sign1. The designer of marvin is a member here, and has some great stuff on his site
including an in progress full size cylon armour from the original Battlestar Galactica, and it seems he also links Webdude's fantastic Wacky races vehicles:mrgreen::thumb:

Take care

Just checked and the link to Webdudes wacky races models doesn't seem to be working, but if you want them PM me as they are somewhere on this very rapidly dying computer of minewall1
Sir Pilsworth, your Thunderbird 5 looks amazing :thumb:, is there no end to your amazing designing talents:mrgreen:

Marvin comes from the Looney Tunes cartoons and later became the baddie in the Daffy Duck Duck Dodgers cartoons. He has a dog called K9
Thanks for that... i remember the little blighter now :mrgreen: I like some cartoon characters too ! one of them is Scooby do {the original with the original line up} I used to have a pillowcase with the whole gang on {still got it but the wife won't let me use it :cry: and it is a wee bit faded now !} come to think of pillowcases i also have a DALLAS one with the cast...:eek: yes i know :cry: {but Pam is the main picture on it :twisted: } and also very faded. Another Character is the Tazmanian Devil - Now he's brilliant {madness personified} abit like me {at least when behind the wheel - NOT sign1} Whoops i've gone completely off topic as per.. sorry. I did a wee bit more to the engine last night and coming along o.k, it's the Yamaha xjr1300 four cylinder twin ohc, there's some really strange cuts and folds in that kit ! i might even do the the rest of it at some point but the engine was my main liking. Will do some Stingray for a change tonight. All the best my mate.
Oh Horror!

Hi BF109, I'm guessing by the fact that Monkey seems intact that the RC Heli's are either not running or not caught!.My demon spawn from Hell is at times referred to as Pluto,yep I know but I didn't name him.The really annoying thing about the TSR2 horror,which I have been told was my fault for leaving it on top of the display cabinet hung on the wall where of course he is going to want to go, is that the attached picture is of him during one of his more active periods.The true horror of the event can been seen in the other.


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Hi Pete me old Matey,XJ1300, very nice, there are several engine models about which would make a nice collection.Post what ever you like on the thread it's long since stopped being about Stingray and has become more of a ramble along memory lane with a bit of whatever springs to mind,something I am all for!.There used to be some nice Scooby models by Bongo 2425 but sadly his site seems to of closed.I must try and crack on with Stingray my self,and the Terror Fish and restart TSR2 and...and ...and................
i know what you mean , mine can be very active to ( watch the scale he's only 7 kilo's wich is 15.40 pounds) a real BIG tomcat
