Station No. 3


Active Member
What happens when your brother buys you a fire engine and a fire chief car for Christmas ??? And you have a DPM B. Moore Catalog model kit burning a hole in your project box ??? The answer is below, a kitbashed fire station. I'm planning on locating it in my Hutchinson diorama, so the landscaping and some details will be added then.

( in back is a plastic pellet transfer facility for the same diorama; there's also room for a hazmat emergency vehicle i have on reserve from boley )



It's not rocket surgery
Nice Mike,

I like the combination of the older, detailed brick building with the newer "featureless" addition for the trucks. That seems to be something that happens to a lot of buildings...



Will always be re-membered
It turned out well Mike.
Andrew has it right when you see how folks modernize an old structure.


Active Member
Fabulous job, Mike!
A very creative piece of modeling!
It looks like an older firehouse that's had to modernize, & grow to keep up with the times! Very realistic!
Hats off to you, my friend!
:cool: :thumb: :thumb: :cool:


Good one Mike,

Let's hope your nice new emergency team never have to leave such a comfy looking home for anything more traumatic than a wash and polish.