Started Scenery on the BAD Western

I love it Doc! Wonderful time period to model. One of my two favorite modelling interests is 1884 in On3.

Have you ever tried IHC 4-4-0s? I have one of them, as well as the same two bachmann ones in your picture, and it's my favorite of the 3.

Please post more pictures!
I bought the two Bachmanns on the cheap on ebay. I'll probably spring for an IHC after the first of the year unless Santa brings me one.

I'll post more pics as I get more done but I'm not finding much time to work on the layout these days. If you haven't already done so, you can click on my username and then my home page link to see more.
Russ Bellinis said:
I haven't looked for it lately, but Home Depot usd to sell a light brown foam with aluminum foil on one or both sides that would be a good sub for the pink or blue foam. The foil is easily stripped off the foam leaving a light brown foam to work with.

I used that material to insulate my basement and used a a couple of leftover pieces glued together as the base for a scenic lift out section inside a loop. Light, but sturdy.

Doc - your work looks fabulous, I can almost visualize Wile E. Coyote chasing the Roadrunner through your layout. Keep up the great work !!!! :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
Really impressing work you got here!
Hope you keep us up to date of your progress. Thanks :)
For me who live in the southern part of Sweden the kind of landscape you are modelling are very interesting and get the heart to beat a couple of extras...
Glen Haasdyk said:
Great rock formations, are you modeling Utah?
The BAD Western is set in the Southwest, but no precise location, so I'm not modeling Utah specifically. I am attempting to model the red-brown rock formation typically found in the Grand Canyou, Bryce ans Zion Canyons, Devil's Postpile, etc. I've cut out so many pictures I've lost rack of what is where.

Working with the ceiling tiles is fun and easy, but boy does it make a mess! My latest attempt is to "bury" a dinosaur skeleton to have an archeological dig scene.