start- stop-move a wall


Active Member
Aug 29, 2002
Stafford, VA
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Well, after the winter and spring water in the basement, my layout progress has been pretty well shut down. I have done some scratchbuilding but track, scenicing, plaster, etc. is at a standstill.

I had finished the basement a couple years after we bought the house but the rain got us this year. We had to tear up the floor and carpet, move furniture and replace the slider to the outside.

In trying to come up with a plan for what we want to do with the basement and family room the wife has decided that she wants to make a smaller TV room downstairs, convert one end of my train room to an office to get me out an upstairs bed room, relocate our storage room to the other end of the basement. The end result is that I pick up about 4 more feet in length and 2 feet in width for the layout room. :D :D :D

The downside to all this is that she wants to start knocking out the walls next month. In addition the layout will need to be disassembled to move. I managed to construct one side of it to incorporate a support pole that was in the room (see track plan here:

So now I am packing and thinking about whether I will keep that track plan or build something different.:confused: :confused: :confused:

Life goes on:) :) :)
Flooding can be bad. Here the water table is high so we have to have a good sump pump to keep the basement dry. I have a back-up pump too in case there is a breakdown. Its amazing the amount of water the pump pushes through.