SR2 Normandy Design and Build - continued

Fixing up those areas was not a big deal but it came during a very busy time for me so I only just got to it a couple days ago. I'm unfolding the revised parts now, then I can get back to building.

I'll see what I can do about that main gun. The sequences in that video are so short, and the close-ups so close, it's hard to tell exactly where it is on the ship. I'll see what I can do, but it seems to be in the main body of the ship, which I've already finished. I may wait until I finish everything else, then go back and add that.


Yeh i notice how short it was & not very clearly where the main gun are located. I was searching on the web to see if there was a picture of those gun on the Normandy but no luck on that. I'll see if i can search some more info on where those main gun are located at & maybe someone else may find better info on where those gun located at.
I can't not wait till i see your building pics again i like watching some body put a model together it get me burning up that i want to build something aswell :mrgreen:.
Hurricane Irene busted our bank. The eye passed within 40 miles of my house, so, no games till Christmas. Still have to convince the wife too, another issue completely. Also, my son wants to spend too much time on the computer as it is. I am trying to give him the computer time, but redirect it. I am starting to teach him Rhino. He did his first school project, his bedroom, and the house. He got the Highest grade possible. There is some new kind of grading system which I don't understand, except he is always on top.

It must be bad were you almost located right near a hurricane Irene , I don't know how it felt if i was in one of those hurricane , earthquake or anything that mother nature happen but i'll be very terrified after that shock if it happened to me.
I don't want to divert this thread with personal details, but wiring up the house with a generator 4 years ago, meant I had power for the next 4 days, when everyone else, actually, this whole part of the state, did not. Definitely something one would and should avoid, if at all possible. :)
Have you 2 played the games yet. Seems like you were on the fence a month or so back?

I haven't played the game yet, but I will. I picked up a used copy of ME2 just recently, and digging around online I found that I can buy Mass Effect for the PC for 19.99. I have a PC that should (I hope) run it pretty well. It meets the system requirements anyway. I have a PS3 and ME was only release on Xbox, so I'm stuck with the PC version or nothing for now.

I don't want to get into playing it yet though. As always, I already have too many things to occupy my time. Besides paper modeling I also dabble in origami, particularly modular origami. I recently finished a swan that I started working on a couple years ago. I showed it to the lady in the gift shop at the airport where I work part time. She fell in love with it and said she'll buy as many as I want to make, and sell them in her shop, so that's got me fired up about that again. Now when I work at the airport I bring my paper and fold pieces to make swans.

I'm glad to see the SR2 is almost complete! I was holding off on building the SR1 until I was sure the SR2 would be finished. Looks like I'll have me a new project this spring. :cool:

You mean you doubted? :mrgreen: It will get finished, never fear. I also plan on building the SR1 that DaiShiHun released on deviant art, and if I'm not satisfied with it I'll do up my own version. His looks pretty good though. Like the SR2 I'm working on I believe his is made from the actual game mesh.

Anyway, I expect to be printing the new parts tonight, then I have to spray them with sealer, let them dry overnight, and get back to building.

I haven't played the game yet, but I will. I picked up a used copy of ME2 just recently, and digging around online I found that I can buy Mass Effect for the PC for 19.99. I have a PC that should (I hope) run it pretty well. It meets the system requirements anyway. I have a PS3 and ME was only release on Xbox, so I'm stuck with the PC version or nothing for now.

I don't want to get into playing it yet though. As always, I already have too many things to occupy my time. Besides paper modeling I also dabble in origami, particularly modular origami. I recently finished a swan that I started working on a couple years ago. I showed it to the lady in the gift shop at the airport where I work part time. She fell in love with it and said she'll buy as many as I want to make, and sell them in her shop, so that's got me fired up about that again. Now when I work at the airport I bring my paper and fold pieces to make swans.

You mean you doubted? :mrgreen: It will get finished, never fear. I also plan on building the SR1 that DaiShiHun released on deviant art, and if I'm not satisfied with it I'll do up my own version. His looks pretty good though. Like the SR2 I'm working on I believe his is made from the actual game mesh.

Anyway, I expect to be printing the new parts tonight, then I have to spray them with sealer, let them dry overnight, and get back to building.


I'm sure it's not necessary to say so, but you will enjoy the game very much (at least I did). I have worked on models before that i had not seen the material for. usually it was because i thought it was simply an attractive design. but once i saw it's source, I was renewed with motivation in a truly unique way.

Keep up the good work. love the ship so far.
Thanks and Update

In regard to the main gun (thanix cannon), take a look at this link-

and this video-

From 4:17 to 4:20, you see where(approximately) and how the thanix cannon unfolds. On the lego model, the gun is ~2 inches behind where it should be. (probably due to space constraints)

You've been doing an amazing job, and I hope you continue.

Thanks for those references Nstar. I'm getting a good idea where it belongs and how it looks. I don't know if I'll go back and add it at this stage but I will give it due consideration.

And never fear, I am continuing, and it will get done.

I've had lots of work lately and being self-employed and under-employed means I have to take what work I can when it comes. And having the usual project ADD all that work means I have less time to fit in all those projects. In the past month I've finished a modular origami swan that I started a year or two ago, started and finished another modular origami crane, taken up making things out of paracord while researching projects for cub scouts (and a lady I know is going to try selling them in her store), and...

I have finished unfolding the revised lower hull and started building it. I noticed some small texture issues after printing it so I've been fixing those up.

This weekend (leaving tonight) I have a cub scout camp, then next week I will bring more focused energy back to this project and get it rolling again. With the lower hull now in progress we're over the hump and the rest will come together more quickly. The wings and engines will go quickly since I only have to do one side, then I can just mirror it for the other side, adjust textures a bit, and bingo, we're done. So, we're actually well past the half way point.

Till next time...

Thanks for those references Nstar. I'm getting a good idea where it belongs and how it looks. I don't know if I'll go back and add it at this stage but I will give it due consideration.

And never fear, I am continuing, and it will get done.

I've had lots of work lately and being self-employed and under-employed means I have to take what work I can when it comes. And having the usual project ADD all that work means I have less time to fit in all those projects. In the past month I've finished a modular origami swan that I started a year or two ago, started and finished another modular origami crane, taken up making things out of paracord while researching projects for cub scouts (and a lady I know is going to try selling them in her store), and...

I have finished unfolding the revised lower hull and started building it. I noticed some small texture issues after printing it so I've been fixing those up.

This weekend (leaving tonight) I have a cub scout camp, then next week I will bring more focused energy back to this project and get it rolling again. With the lower hull now in progress we're over the hump and the rest will come together more quickly. The wings and engines will go quickly since I only have to do one side, then I can just mirror it for the other side, adjust textures a bit, and bingo, we're done. So, we're actually well past the half way point.

Till next time...


Gooday Steve,

How is the sale going with origami swan , i like making Origami out of paper for fun it keeps you mind sharp & stay focus. Today i check you website out & i notice on your post with the Origami Ornament of the flower , i fall in love with that blue & green Flower i save that pic in my HDD , you done a Excellent job with those flower.
Keep up with your Beautiful work steve.:thumb:


Gooday Steve,

How is the sale going with origami swan , i like making Origami out of paper for fun it keeps you mind sharp & stay focus. Today i check you website out & i notice on your post with the Origami Ornament of the flower , i fall in love with that blue & green Flower i save that pic in my HDD , you done a Excellent job with those flower.
Keep up with your Beautiful work steve.:thumb:


Thanks Mark. I'm pleased the ornament made such an impression. I haven't finished any swans for sale yet. I've folded about 500 triangles and just last night started a small (220 piece) version which I should finish today, then I'll make another 400 piece version, and then a 500 piece version. I'm also folding pieces for more of those ornaments in a couple different sizes.

As for the Normandy, I'm doing the first test build of the lower hull now. Will have pictures soon. As of November 1st the schedule at my airport job has changed so I'm not working as many evenings, but I'm working longer shifts. That will leave me more evenings open for build time on the Normandy.

Bye for now...

Well, it's been a while, but I've been plugging away. This will be probably be a lengthy, multi-post update, so without further ado, here's some pictures.

The lower hull is divided into three sections. These are the formers for the midsection of the lower hull. All pieces are laminated to 1mm card.


And here they are partially assembled. The pieces are quite thin at points so I put drops of CA glue at the corners, where the side pieces join the central spine, and where the spine connects to the end pieces.


This next shot shows the inner parts of the hull, and the outer skin. The interior is a simple box type construction that slips inside the formers. I've made changes to the design to simplify things a bit, but it's still essentially the same as shown here.


To get the skin glued on nicely I glued one end to the formers, let it dry thoroughly, then worked my way down to the other end. At the left there's a piece of scrap card holing the interior up to make it more obvious what I mean.

As I glued the skin to each former I used elastics to hold it in place while the glue dried. In the meantime I was working on formers for the next section. You can see those at the left.


The next two images show the completed mid section. More in the next post.


Lower hull rear section

Now we move on to the rear section of the lower hull.
It's much simpler than the mid-section. First the formers.


Then the skins. Also in this picture is the top part of the display stand. The small piece glued to cardboard in the upper right quadrant is a former to help shape the top of the stand. I glued it to several layers to make it about 5 mm (1/4") thick. The pieces in the upper left are the top of the stand. The white piece goes on top where the model will rest so it's out of sight.


I used the formers to shape the skin and used joining strips to close up the gaps rather than tabs.
There is a small strip that gets glued on to the very back edge after everything else is done.


And here it is all wrapped up and finished. The completed rear section was then glued to the mid-section.

And here is the display stand. I glued the top and bottom layers together and used the former piece to hold the shape while the glue dried (four or five minutes). I could have used an elastic, but I was watching TV so I just sat there holding gently. Even a model in progress needs lovin right?


And the completed stand. I Hope it works.
The third section is next.

Lower hull forward section

And now we move on to the forward section of the lower hull. This is the part with the doors to the shuttle bay (or whatever it's called).
As always we start with the formers, laminated to 1mm card and cut out.


And then assembled.


Now the skins, and the layers for detailing.


The black piece goes on the back of the lower skin piece, and the two gray pieces go on the front (outside) of the other skin piece.


And finally some joining strips to connect the pieces and close up the gaps.


And now we're ready to apply the skin to the formers.


And it looks great.


But not as great as when you put all the sections together. I just have to get the doors made and installed, and then I'll be ready to attach the lower hull to the main hull and behold the awesomeness.


Hope to get that stuff done tonight, but if not, soon. I've made all necessary adjustments to the 3D model and pattern as I went along, so everything is actually proceeding nicely, if a little slowly. I'll be starting the 3D work on the wing and engine sections while I complete my second test build incorporating the adjustments I've made.

That's all for now. Enjoy!

Nice update Steve. With all those formers, the ship will hold her ship and be strong enough to play with! (I 'd play with that, even if just sitting on the sofa making rumbling sounds), other than the usual rumbling sounds. :)
WOW!! Amazing update and step by step process. You know that this will be my next build? I can't wait for this baby to be downloadable.

Thanks guys, glad you like it.

I got the lower hull glued to the main hull last night and it looks good. A bit of a gap on the forward section that I'll have to track down the source of and correct. I think my 1mm card was more like 1.5mm, or else I just didn't make the skin quite long enough. Regardless, it looks great.

I made it with the bay doors open so you can see that there's an interior. On my other one I'll do it with the doors closed.

