Spray Bottles


Mar 16, 2002
Wyoming USA
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Hi Guys,

What kind of spray bottles do you guys use to put down your grass etc. I bought several different kinds at discount stores and hardware stores. I'm using a 50-50 mixture of Elmers white glue and water and all after about eight pumps the nice spray turns into a harse stream. Any tips would be very helpful.

Thanks, Ron
My wife swears the only bottle that works very long for spray starch is an Amway bottle. I think you can order from them on-line if you don't know a distributor. Never tried it for glue :) I've used better quality ones from Sam's for weathering wash and they have never clogged.
I wonder if its not the bottle but the glue that is causing problems gunking up the sprayer after a short time? Adding a small amount of dish detergent makes diluted glue more "wet" so it is easily absorbed by scenic materials and ballast. Perhaps that would help keep the spray bottle functioning as well?
In my experience, all spray bottles which give a nice light spray of water do not yield the same reult with the water/glue mixture. I gave up on that approach and use the bottle to wet down the area after application of ground materials, then use a pipette to apply the glue. I recommend this approach.


Gary's method is the only one I've found to work 100%. Also, you get more conrol where the "springiness" of the ground cover needs that little bit more application of the water/glue mixture.

It may seem daunting to have to do a large area but the wetting effect of the spray means a single drop from the pipette/eye dropper spreads over 1/2 to 1 square inch.

If anyone has found a better way I'd sure like to hear about it.

For large areas, you might try wetting the area with windex, sprayed on, then apply water/white glue from a "white glue"bottle. some practice may be needed to get away from overapplication of the glue, but it is fast and clog free.
I think the glue is stopping up the spray bottle. I spray my scenery materials with rubbing alcohol and then apply the glue mixture with a pipette like Gary does. Rubbing alcohol is cheap usually two quart bottles for $1.00.
Whre do you find two quart bottles for $1?


I agree with your methodology. The only difference is that I I use syringes because I have a plentiful supply due to my daughter's medical condition. Things must be a lot cheaper in Georgia because I have not been able to find two quarts of alcohol for $1. I pay about twice that price, but dilute the alcohol about 30%.

Hi Jim, I get 70% Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol at the dollar store,called Dollar Tree, just down the road from my house. Its some kind of "off brand" and I don't think I'd use it on my self but it works good for scenery/ballast and cleaning Polly S paint off paintbrushes:D :D :D
This Might Hurt....OUCH!!!!

Hey Jim, Its been 20 years since I've been in CA and I seem to recall that things were a bit more than here. Almost hate to tell you (that's the OUCH):D :D :D ....My electric bill is $85 per month flat rate, use all I want and there's no year end settlement. :eek: but on the other hand I have to drive 125 miles to get to a trainstore:eek: :D :D :D :D
Life is a tradeoff

My electric bill last month was ten time yours. But then there is a small hobbyshop within walking distance of my house.

How far are you from Atlanta? I usually end up going to Atlanta on business once every couple of years.
Hey Jim, Roughly about 110 miles south of Hartsfield Airport...let me know next time you're down this way. There's a really good trainshop just about 10 mins from Hartsfield.:) If I can get loose maybe we'll go "raid" it!!:D :D
Hi Guys,

Thanks for all your input. My wife thinks she may have an old hair spray bottle so I'm going to try that first. I'm sure theres some kind of glue in that stuff as my wifes hair does'nt move. Sounds like it might work and will let you all know if it does. If not will go to your other method. Thanks again to all. Now heading out to the shop and see how many of those thirty new ore cars my steam engines will pull. Ron :D
Hair spray (the cheaper the better) works ok to fasten small amounts of material, like bits of gravel on the shoulder of a road, but won't work on the volume of material generally used for ground cover. It just won't penetrate and will at best form a crust which will be easily broken, the materals beneath won't be fastened at all. Go with the eyedropper or glue bottle approach and save yourself the wasted effort.

Hi Guys,

Well like I mentioned I went with Phils idea first using a VO-5 spray bottle. I put in a drop of dish soap and not quite a 50/50 mixture of white glue and water. So far I worked with it about four hours and very happy with the results. Needless to say its a little hard on ones finger but that goes with the hobby. Thanks again for all your input. Ron :)