
Hi Tyson, I have not heard a peep since we met with the gauge box car:(
Also I am concerned about Errol aka kettelstack.
WHHHOOOO I just check my e mail and errol has answered mine I was getting worried, Errol asked me to say Hi to all and he will catch up with us in a day or so. Vacation and gardening got in the way a bit:D
O K now where are you spitfire?????????
Hello my friends and thank you all so much for your concern. I am indeed alive and well, but deluged with work at the moment. I have taken on a new class for the summer term and there's lots of prep work to do, plus a rather large freelance project has been taking up most of my other time lately. If that's not enough, I have been attending a weekend workshop in teaching fundamentals, but that is now finished. I am happy to say I PASSED!

Anyway, things will continue to be busy for me for the next couple of weeks, so if I'm not around as much as I would like to be - that's why.

Hope to be back with you all on a regular basis very soon!

:D Val
Congrats on passing your teaching fundementals workshop, like Tyson said not much doubt there.

So I'm going to assume that you're teaching this summer class not taking it.....what are you teaching?

Well bummer that you have to work more than you get to play...lol...paying the mortgage can really stink!!
Actually, The Great and Royal Order of Robber Barrons has dispatched Barroness Val to Iraq:eek:

Rumor has it that Saadam had a rather extensive model railroad which he buried in the desert somewhere:eek:

We are trying to locate it to claim salvage rights!!!:D :D :D :p
So Val, there's another teacher on the board, eh? There's a bunch of them on the Gauge, and in our school we are about a dozen railroad fan/model railroaders, too. :cool:

Perhaps there are some linked genes which are responsible for teaching and (model) railroading. Mmmmmmh... I could start a research project about that...:D :D :D

Congratulations for passing your workshop - and lots of fun when using your new knowledge in teaching!
