some new star trek ships pics


Right Hand Man and Confidant
Jul 10, 2013
i really like some of these, others i included just due to thier originality. i have some ideas i am making for the alt/split universe that are startrekish, but different, mainly my ideas if i were a fedklingrom starshipyard designer. its not meant to conflict with cannon, but lets say -- star fantasy game peices. i will post some simple models soon when i am done fiddling around. in the mean while enjoy looking at these! and please, if you stop to look, say something, i really value your opinion as imput to guide me in designs that are popular.
i have a texture and am already obsessed!!! I will make one of these for my alt. universe fleet. the entire universe is devoted to peirce the dimension and find SPOCK their creator. since they sprung into existence into a parallel world simply from chaotic patterns of spocks brain when he jumped timelines, they have only a few years of history. their mission is to find spock , in the stx universe, and then be given a lifes mission to perform by him. along the way they develop more than what they were created with and develop as sentient, tos tmp stng and more type characters.
Nice looking Starship!! :)
it is pretty sharp I imagine a main gun under the front saucer center with photorps set up like the excelsior sensor array in the middle under saucer.