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wow you work so quick love that ship really happy that more tng models are coming theres such a large area there for models from that era of star trek
There certainly is. Trek is maybe the most common Scifi show/movies covered in our community but it also has the largest choice of subjects.

Great work buddy! Looks fantastic! As for those Argo pics, I'm afraid that that's the resolution they came in. You could try resizing them in PS or graphic software?
Not necessarily. It certainly doesn't strike me as being incredibly difficult.

LOL, yeah, I hear ya. Still it would be nice to have. I know Marko made one awhile back, complete with interior. I have that one, but the bow section seems to be a bit off... I'll be looking forward to anything you make anyway, so it;s not a rush.:thumb:
Well if its extreme accuracy you're looking for, I wouldn't count on me doing it. I would try correcting the bow of the other model in photoshop. If you want to send me the files, I can take a look for you, and see if I can fix the problem.

Two other things: I've finished the Scout already, and I'm going to build the finished plans. Anyone interested in putting it together and posting pictures as a favor to me, to look for errors, please send me a PM. Once I'm satisfied, I'll make it available for download, both here and on my website.

Also, has anyone seen a movie-era shuttlecraft model, like Gallileo 5? I might kitbash a Type 6, making it longer and adding constitution nacelles if not.
The Federation Scout Ship and Jem'Hadar Attack Ship have both been uploaded to my website in the new Star Trek section, as well as to the download section here, (though I don't know if they've been approved yet).

The Federation Scout Ship is also more refined now than my prototype, I just haven't gotten around to taking pictures. For example, the deflector dish, which was flat on the prototype is now inset.

I've also begun work on the Argo, and constructed a rudimentary early prototype. The model will be done very soon, because its proving particularly easy to design.

I'm also going to clean up the Type 11 shuttle (Enterprise -E shuttle) a little before I release it; the texture on the top half needs more solid lines (you might be able to tell from the pictures).
I'm probably going to go ahead and release the Steamrunner soon, possibly today, with the Type 11 shuttle. Its too big for me to upload to the download section here, so I'll probably just upload it to my website.
Just had a look at the scout ship and Jem'Hadar Attack Ship. Wonderful. Good to see a Jem'Hadar Ship, I've not seen one before.
WOW! You're really knocking these out aren't ya! :) The Argo looks great as does the Scout Ship.

Well done buddy! What do you have in mind next?
Next I'm probably going to finish repainting Ninjatos Delta Flyer, and then possibly his Danube-class. If I can find that Galileo with the bad nose, I'll definitely try to fix it to make it more accurate. The list is getting thin though, there are only so many shuttlecraft.

No models of these yet:

Galileo 5 (TFF)
"Type 5" (Generations)
Type 7 (TNG)
Type 8 (VOY)
Type 18 (DS9)
Captain's Yacht Cousteau (First Contact)
Executive Shuttle (Undiscovered Country), and by extension, the Sydney Class (TNG)

I'm not sure I intend to get to all of these...we'll see.
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