I live in an area, that when I was very young, would take me 5 hrs. to bicycle too. That made for a long, beautiful. It was uphill most of the way, which meant you mostly coasting downhill. I was actually pulled over by a cop once, telling me to "slow down". What a maroon!
I wonder what kind of quantum leap it takes to translate "Large" to "Grande", seeing that "Large" means "Long" and "Grande" means "Grand" (in Spanish "Big", or "Large)) Fun facts.
A friend of mine asked me "What does it means when they put "Transmitido en Espanol por S.A.P.", I looked at him and said, as he pronounced, " Trahaansmittidoe" means transmitted, S>A.P. means Special Audio Programming, which means it will come out in Spanish on you right speaker. He said he felt like a jerk, all these years, and the word was steering him right in the face. I actually ended up teaching a lot of Spanish words. He hired Spanish workers in his roofing business because he felt he got the most work out of them. I translated that to he could charge them less! "Same difference, he replied". At least he was honest.
Since I have moved back to the US (which I had to leave everything in Eastern Europe), dealt with cancer, and currently going back to school, I am not building anything right at the moment. However, I do have some tools now when I have the time to work, I will be working on the dining room table. Here are a couple photos of where my equipment lives (for now).
Upper top is printed pages, cubby holds are tools and special parts, then clamps and glue gun, cut parts to glue tray, cutting nylon sheet. On the right is client projects or long term projects. Storage underneath and trash.
My workspace for the last two years has been the roof of the backside of my house. Two Tornadoes dropped a 180 foot tree on it, and the insurance would not cover what the new "zoning" requirement dictated. I put a metal roof up and just finished connecting the side of the house, so on to the siding, the old roof line will not be visible. My workshop has taken up my barn and the back half of the house and yard. I will do the vinyl siding in the spring, then start on the pergola. I'm stuck at building 1;1 scale now, but my work area was always an area, with three cutting boards that would move to a table that was available. The lighting that some of you are using is a really good idea. Non directional light, no shadows, makes for good work.