SD.Kfz 250/3 Greif GPM 1:16

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The construction of the narrowest leading wheels.

I start with the centerpart made of two circles glued to 1mm karton and the paperstrip around.A lot of cutting on the holes in the sides here..

Next is the outer parts, and the inside skin on them.Also a lot of cutting here.

The parts are glued together so the holes fit all around.

Next is to put on the two strips to make the upper part of the "rubber"

The sides.
This part is made of the outer circle and the centerpart.Also some cutting here to be done....

Here I have put on the outer ring and cut out the parts on the centerpiece.

I have also played a bit with a weathering set from Tamiya on the tyres.

One side done

The centernut

And the "leafes" are cutted out and will be glued onto the centerpart.
Front side done and the leafes for the bacside and the centerpart is in turn.


Hmmmm....I also notice I have forgotten a part....
There will be NO price to the finder :)
I hate cats!!!

That bloody cat!!
Almost destroyed the Greif today! The body was split in two, and several inside items was lying around....
The cat was almost done as a "popsinger" after this...
I will fix it, but the model has got some bad injurys.
I like cats but not yours right now! Razor wire around your workspace - or at least electric fence ;)
Yes i got kind of a shock....thinking all my work went down the drain there....
I'm now in the middle of reconstructing the upper hull.....
It was broken on both sides....broken at the rear end...and at the left front end....steeringwheel was damaged....the tank on the right inside was pulled of the windows was so destroyed It couldn't be fixed, so I glued it on...the gazmaskcontainers was ripped off, and the rim around the upper hull was broken in 3 places.
And now after several hours of work, I can see the end of the reparation.
So a couple of hours and some help from Tamiyas weathering sets I think the damages will not be seen in the end.
Just model it as "Battle Damage". These things had scrap plates welded here and there, angle irons welded to parts, sandbags wired to glacis plates etc. Weather it in and it'll cool. I don't know, my love for the little critters of nature would've taken a very big hit after something like that. Best of luck with this!
I like cats, I just can’t finish them in one sitting. . .

Just kidding I have two cats along with two dogs.

A few years back I was showing my Halinski SdKfz 7/2 at an IPMS contest. One of the front fenders was badly smashed in transit I did the best I could to make it look better and went ahead and showed the model. Several of the modelers commented on the nice looking battle damaged bumper needless to say I didn’t tell them about my modeling methods. I also love weathering it hides multitude of sins.

Jim Nunn
After working all evening yesterday I got it back in a kind of shape....
There are some glitches here and there but I don't think it will be visible for any other than myselves :)
It was looking kind of dark for a while...but I got it back in shape.
And the furball with 7 lives left is also ok :)
Had to take a break from the wheels and caterpillars....
So I made one of the sideskirts and the exhaustbox.

I did not have my digicam available during the buildprocess, so I come back with the construction report on the other skirt and toolbox.
Looking great Johnny!
You did such a good job of putting it back together, one would never know that it has already been on the battlefield!:-D

You are such a natural born modeler, I'm sure that whatever you build would be great. I was just wondering if you have ever given any thought to building any ships someday? I havn't built one yet but my wife bought me the Arizona from Digital Navy for my birthday and I've been thinking about starting it as soon as I get some good ink for my printer.

Anyway, great job, can't wait to see some more from you!


I have always thought that one of abilities that separates a great modeler from an average modeler is the ability to overcome build issues as well as small and large disasters. I don’t think any one could tell that your model went through a major disaster. All I can say is just Superb Craftsmanship!

Jim Nunn
Thanks a lot for those kind words Jim!!

Working on details on the left side.

Supporters for the hull


Making tracks.
The first tracks I got was a bit out of propotions, so Rafal at Drafmodel made several sets before I got the one I wanted.Hats off to him for his effort in making me satisfied!!
This is very slow work....not many links made so far from the new set.
But here is what I got so far.What do you think of the colors used??

So now it's off to my nightshift....and the Pak :)
Hello Rick!

The tracks are lasercuts from DrafModel.
The originals was kind of "thin" looking, so I asked Rafal who owns DrafModel if he could make me some for the SDKfz250, and he did :)
And theese tracks looks much more as the real thing.
bolt and nut head

Can I ask you, Did the bolt/nuts head come with kit ?
or did make them yourself ? Or buy them somewhere?
Note : I am building GPM Pz.Kpfw.III Aist.G 1/16 scale
starting Gpm Jagdpanter.
You build one impressive model after another.
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