scratch build stone boiler house HI all Today I started my scratch build stone and wood 2 floor boiler house with shop .first I made the stone wall brick by brick made my Doctor Ben's Baby Building Blocs u can get at DEBENLLC website in 2-Pounder bag .The block look like split-stone texture. Once I draw out the building I want to build I just cut out a print and tape it the board and build on top of it take a lot of time to build 4 walls .Them once walls are build I make a RTV Silicone Mold Making Rubber for them Now once the mold dry about 24 hr. I take the master walls out and clean mold then I make some Hydro Cal White and pour my walls once walls are and air all out I let dry for 12Hr then take out of mold and let them sit for 24 hr. more .Just look at the picture and see the high detail of these wall. Hope you all like it so far